Sunday, March 4, 2012

star wars the gold republic credits power plants still need to raise $ 1.8 billion yuan this year -

129742939317500000_278As the last two price adjustment "coal power contradiction" to temporarily quell. TV University of coal in Shanxi province, part of the thermal power enterprises in operational difficulties are not fundamentally alleviated. Although domestic coal production capacity expansion, but demand is still likely to remain high. With the degree of industrial concentration in the coal industry to improve regulation capacity enhancement, increased costs, and three major trends, shocks to coal prices will remain high. In thisUnder such circumstances, local integration in coal enterprises restructuring this year may speed up the pace of the Central thermal power enterprises. Some thermal power enterprises difficult to fundamentally reverse the operating loss of the situation according to the introduction to supervision Office of Shanxi province, in 2011, put into production new grid-connected capacity in Shanxi 8 million-kilowatt, the province's total installed capacity reaches 53 million-kilowatt. Although the total installed capacity of the country in Shanxi 8th, But in recent years, Shanxi province outside the transmission capacity of 60 billion-kilowatt per year, outside the restaurant when power 68.4 billion-kilowatt last year, ranked national 3rd warhammer gold, occupies an important position in the country. About 9 Grand Central and provincial territory of Shanxi electric power group. A long time, part of the power plant in Shanxi province "keeping coal coal-heap not eat", "coal-contradictions" the most typical. Some power plants every year to "written"Form reflects its economic difficulties. Head of Huaneng group Shanxi Branch said: "in 2011, the power plant of Shanxi province has experienced unprecedented economic difficulties, especially in the southern part of the dilemma facing life and death power plant. "After the two adjusting electricity price, China Shanxi branch last year despite losses in more than 40 million Yuan, loss amounts as high as $ 273 million for the year. China mountainYushe huge losses for 4 consecutive years in power plant, West Branch, until the end of last year, all assets and liabilities total more than 2.7 billion yuan, asset-liability ratio as high as 122%, power plants still need to raise $ 1.8 billion yuan this year, about $ 300 million in new loans. China Shanxi branch zuoquan power plant put into production after coal price has been the subject of thousands of dollars, losses are inevitable. Guodian group Shanxi branch in charge said, adjustingThermal power enterprises after the price situation is improving, but hung upside down coal is still very serious and difficult to change in the short term, large losses will also exist. In 2012, the macro-economic situation and the growth in power machine fast double impact, power situation is not optimistic about the market, relying on power growth eased pressure on the operation of space is very limited. At the same time, focus of Group companiesWith the fall in the cash rate of coal, coal quality decline will also exist, such as coal prices will continue to maintain the high. This year, the shortfall will be one of the main features of power enterprises are facing difficulties. Shanxi electric power industry association related to people age of conan gold, although the adjusted price twice last year, but difficult operating conditions in electric power enterprise has three or four years. In January of this year the CPI index is not optimistic, Country on the pace of price adjustment cannot be too dense. Coal prices will remain high shock power cost is difficult to drop faster-due to coal production capacity expansion this year, slowing economic growth and other factors, and the recent coal price decline in a row, the view was expressed that, in 2012, the national coal demand growth will slow sharply, larger coal prices will come down.But three shows, coal prices are not likely to appear collapsed. From supply and capacity expansion of coal "mingshenganjiang". Shanxi as an example, from the end of 2008 since the implementation of coal resources consolidations in Shanxi, June, 2010 production of 750 million tons respectively, and 850 million tons of raw coal, coal sector that was "high���� But some of the coal industry argue that in small coal mines in Shanxi province "sprouted", highest years of coal production statistics for the 650 million to 700 million tons, production ability but because of the large number of small coal mines, as well as illegal factors in the wellhead, production far exceeded that figure, even up to 800 million tons or more. As a large number of small coal mines closed or consolidated, its actual productionReduced. That is, after a large number of small coal mines were shut, many problem only appears the rising cost of coal power plants. Since last year, with the completion of Shanxi coal resources, major coal areas in China started coal resources, as well as Shanxi coal production "mingshenganjiang" still exists. In national coal market "tightly balanced" case, if actual yieldDown 100 million or 200 million tonnes, there will also be greater volatility in the market. At the same time, in the technical innovation of large numbers of consolidated mine was still in process, more importantly talents of management and technical personnel, and qualified the miners ' demands, it is a long process. Therefore, consolidated mining investment and complex production processes are not encouraging. Second, coal demand "out drop dark l". Although the national economic growth rate this yearDelay expected more obvious, but last year the g d p breaking through the $ trillions more provinces. Although slower in the case of a higher base in Eastern, Central and Western regions is still high, and rely primarily on fixed asset investment. "Twelve-Five" is in the first year for "good start" in the second and third years, investments will be the climax, many provinces could not be achieved ""Plans. Led energy raw material demand will not decline. Three is the coal industry concentration increase, regulation and control capacity. More coal area of "controlled amount insured" measures to protect their own interests. Also, coal industry social costs, security costs and labor costs will increase year by year. So, although the recent coal price, but not an "inflection point���� Coal restructuring of equity as a link will speed up the pace of consolidation in recent years, the low level coal mine more in the past, the security industry, with the implementation of the national strategy of large coal bases, adjustment of the industrial structure into the "Sham Shui Po", "like" the State ceased to exist, level of industrialization and competitiveness levels gradually. Looking back at the power industry, the major electric power groupIn a lot of money, "Happy Valley enclosure", developing unit, expansion, led to rising costs, operational difficulties. Last year, operating in extremely difficult vote in zhangze power and reorganization of Datong coal mining group, Datong coal mine group holding zhangze power. Coal Group in Datang Taiyuan second thermal power plant to sell some units share, coal mining group in Datang Taiyuan second thermal power plant to supply pricePotential of coal. Recently, in a meeting with the participation of more than more than 70 plants, one in Shanxi provincial government leaders send a strong signal, he said, established as a national resource-based economies in transition fully mechanized in Shanxi changed zone, its biggest policies are "first try". As long as conducive to the healthy development of the coal and power industry, as long as conducive to straighten out the "coal contradictions", research on the various paths can beCable. Zhangze power by Datong coal mine group holding, avoid wearing "St" hat star wars the gold republic credits, is a valid path to achieve win-win. This year, the Shanxi "in-depth integration of coal and electricity reforms", which is one of the main path "to equity as a link and achieve mutual benefit and win-win". In addition, due to the Mountain West to coal are mainly located in Northern Shanxi, is located in Central and southern Shanxi over more than 10 plants in small coalCase of mine closure, management will continue to be difficult. Raised electricity prices in some power plant, coal price, recommended measures to reduce intermediate links, have also been made to the Shanxi province for the first time "in some serious losses of power generation enterprise, difficult time, exploration of realizing the integration of coal and electric power development, around the stock transfer, consolidation, integration of resources of coal, electric power industry, forming coal-electricity integration newEnterprise "proposal. This suggests that some single power plant expected to achieve integration. Indications, this year, to transfer to the main forms of coal and electric power integration restructuring are likely from the southern part of Shanxi power plant faster implementation, may be caused in a larger context "chain reaction", more coal, power enterprise consolidation restructuring. But there is power in the industry builtDiscussion between industries, enterprise integration restructuring are to avoid as far as possible the Government of "lang-distribution", under the wishes of the cooperation between the two sides implemented by market means. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.