Sunday, March 11, 2012

world of tanks power leveling United States stock markets slumped on Tuesday afternoon - ASG

129756342038125000_51News Beijing time on March 7, United States stock markets slumped on Tuesday afternoon, the Dow Jones industrial average fell more than 200 points.   Investors to Greece worried private bond holders of bonds converted, but also worried about prospects for global economic growth, especially in the prospects for China's economy cooling. East Coast time on March 6 (Beijing time on March 701:26), Dow Jones industrial average fell 204.61, 12758.2, or 1.58%, and the Nasdaq composite index fell 47.49, 2902.99, or 1.61% the standard and poor's 500 index fell 21.99, 1342.34, or 1.6%.Recommended read the Goldman Sachs Investment Bank loss or reduction of over 1 billion dollars nine bodies on the sword again m slowdown worries increased the market continue to adjust probability larger consolidation with systemic risk in the short term is not recovery period 17 unit ready as down as possible major financing long ping [Twitter] consequences of high price of new shares have been[Unit]C2-adjusted will usher in a 100 point Changyang Eurostat revised data showed on Tuesday, 2011 0.3% per cent from the 17 countries of the eurozone GDP contraction in the fourth quarter, according to the year of standards, euro-zone economic contraction in the fourth quarter of last year to reach 1.3% wot power leveling, 2010 fourth-quarter euro-zone economy 0.7%The growth. International Finance Association Tuesday warned, Greece current conditions could force Italy and Spain sought assistance, to prevent the debt crisis continues to spread, while Greece massive default result is to make the euro lost more than 1 trillion euros. IIF is currently representing private creditors and Greece government negotiations, to help cut 100 billion euro debtWorks. Greece debt replacement before the end of Thursday, investors were also nervous. If we can successfully Exchange, Greece would be borne by private bond holders about 53.5% principal writedowns and cut more than 100 billion euros of debt burden.   Replacement of already successful bond to guarantee Greece get second rescue, avoid default at the end of this month. Enterprise MessagingSurface, Nutrisystem weight loss project provider (NTRI) stocks tumbled after the company announced four-quarter losses expanded revenues fall less than expected. Online employment Web site Monster Worldwide (MWW) increases, the company announced on Monday night world of tanks power leveling, has hired financial information agency to assess strategic choice (Usually refers to acquisitions) to increase shareholder value.   Stage Stores (SSI) said on Tuesday that the fiscal fourth-quarter earnings rose by 2.3%, but below market expectations. Tuesday United States there is no important economic data are released. This week's main event will be February non-farm payrolls data on Friday world of tanks power leveling, and other labor market data. AcceptMarketWatch February estimate of economists surveyed non-farm payrolls increased by 213,000, unemployment rate is expected to be flat to 8.3%.