Thursday, March 22, 2012

tera gold 129764366491562500_22 - PDQ

129764366491562500_22Automotive consumer safety, the concept goes beyond traffic safety, in a fiery automobile has a more general definition. Both tire owners turn pale at the only mention of sth. terribleThreats, we not only have to face up to, also need to find ways to solve it. After all diablo 3 gold, some things alone. Case study: tire burst owner thanks steered the car driving on the highway when suddenly a car tire, car road lost direction in the isolated pier of cement hit a fly, hit the opposite lane on normal driving minivans, causing the passengers of the car was killed and two injured。 After the traffic police found, thanks to a vehicle accident caused by left front tire is the direct cause of, belongs to the traffic accident, both parties are under no obligation. But after mediation, thanks to a one-time compensation you want over more than 178,000 dollars to the families of the deceased. At the same time, also thanks to a deal with the transport sector decisions, 1100 Yuan in compensation for its losses. Remind national highway caused by tireGeneral accident accounted for 70% of the total number of traffic accidents, tire of the sinister. And it can be seen from the above case, while the owner himself is a tire accident victims, but eventually had to take most of the economic losses caused by tire accident, therefore, tire quality has always been the owner of one of the issues of most concern. In a wide range of tire accidents, both due to tire itselfQuality defects caused by tire, there are also risks due to poor maintenance. Tire purchase, we should be big-brand products as far as possible, at the same time it is important that is, we must buy food and, concerned about the tire manufacture date. Because the tires of stock for too long, with the aging of rubber and other materials, tire structure strength will be reduced, which willTire storing up problems. In addition, routine maintenance process, for testing and adjustment of tire pressure must also be carried out on a regular basis. Low tire pressure will easily tire of local product to the location of heat, and that will weaken the strength of the tire tera gold, resulting in a flat tire. Case study: electromagnetic radiation owner Liu and his wife married for many years, although the young couple prays for a son diablo 3 power leveling, but his wife had suffered many times abortion, medicalCheck, no two human bodies were found there are exceptions. In addition, Liu also often feel physically weak, and accompanied by symptoms of hair loss. Less than 30 years old, there is a marked sign of bald. One day, when the TV play the electromagnetic radiation on the human body when injuries, Xiao Liu suddenly think symptoms very similar to themselves and their families. But think, near home or substationWorking environment of electromagnetic radiation is not an issue. Thought about it, is it your family car? Xiao Liu of salt will do their own cars to test, but electromagnetic radiation was much higher than ordinary vehicles, and expert analysis, large amounts of electromagnetic radiation from the small irregular car audio refitting before Liu. Remind long-term electromagnetic radiation of high intensityMay cause lesions include: children leukemia induced cancer affecting the reproductive system, reduced sperm quality and easier abortions in pregnant women and fetal malformation; in addition, may also affect people's cardiovascular system and Visual system. Others: