Tuesday, March 20, 2012

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129756501059843750_207Market risk of a series of events in the near future currency market turmoil, both pressured the euro ECB's refinancing operations, then downgraded economic growth in China is expected to depress commodity currencies, just released by Australia last quarter GDP data than expected the Australian dollar extended declines diablo 3 power leveling, week 43 in Central Bank interest rates gathered in resolution and Greece private bonds purchaseChanging expiration as well as Friday's United States non farm data originally sensitive market nerves taut again. Greece debt exchange programme the end result of fears triggered another emotional reactions in the market, China's economy is expected to slow growth, sharp pressure drop in commodity currencies, market risk aversion to heat up further yesterday, commodity currencies fell sharply again diablo 3 gold, not AmericanCurrency euro and sterling in the end were not immune, have declined substantially, in particular sterling in the United States most vulnerable, while the euro United States relative decrease in the time is limited. Total market decline in non-US currencies and stock markets yesterday an article, commodity money and continued the decline on Monday diablo 3 gold, European and us stock markets also fell markedly, Greece private creditors by March 8 to decide whether to accept bondsReplacement programme. Which is Greece second core component of the rescue plan. Although Greece optimism is expected to be 75%-five creditors in bonds replacement programme, but this proportion has not yet reached to avoid triggering 90% minimum requirements for collective action clauses. When the clause is triggered, or will result in the credit default swaps for payment as well as on the European financial institutionsThe impact. As the March 8 deadline looms, if the creditors involved in the bond-exchange plan below 67%, Greece this month may appear a disorderly default, the market sentiment is going to hit. Australia's Central Bank decided to keep interest rates unchanged, as well as China's economic growth is expected to be cut, led to the Australian dollar fell to the lowest level since February 1, increases the market orRisk of a sharp correction, which made people worry about market fluctuations. United States Department of Labor will be closely watched employment report released on Friday. If the data is more positive, dollar decline in attractiveness to investors, investors will be encouraged to buy higher-yielding currencies. As Thursday's deadline approaches, markets are increasingly worried about Greece with private creditors may be difficult to achieve largeDebt writedowns protocols, which have been tense because of China cut economic growth targets for this year's market even more nervous. If agreement cannot be reached, resulting in Greece cannot be on March 20 to pay the debt, which would be seen as a disorderly default, and could be considered politicians lost control against the euro sign, then investors may be turning their targets other weaker eurozone countries�� Since the European Central Bank on Wednesday after completing the longer-term refinancing operation, the euro against the US dollar within most of the time in the fall. Australia Bureau of statistics data released on Wednesday showed that Australia last quarter by quarter to increase the growth rate of real GDP quarter by 0.4%, and an increase of 2.3% per annum. Media value displayed in a survey of economists ' expectations, Australia0.8% rate increased in four quarterly GDP quarter, annual rate increased by 2.4%. Australia 0.8% rate revision for growth in GDP in the third quarter quarter, initial value for 1%. After the release of GDP data, interest rate futures markets suggested that RBA April rate cut chances of 38%, for May and June rate cut chances near 100%. Wednesday publicIndustry data shows that United Kingdom shop February price increases slowed slightly. United Kingdom retailers Association announced that United Kingdom February BRC shop price index up 1.2% per annum, rose less than per cent in January. BRC said that because of higher fuel and electricity and water engulfed a large portion of the family budget, many commodity prices are lower than a year earlier. United States totalCommission President said on Tuesday, while in Iran a very firm position on the issue, did not support the State to acquire nuclear weapons, but it still has a chance to peaceful resolution of Iran issue. Obama said, I do not support Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, but Republican presidential candidate said on Iran are too thoughtless use of force. The President said, it does not expect Iran issue through talksGet a breakthrough. In his view, must be prudent, calm, thoughtful solutions to Iran problem. If easy on Iran military combat, you will pay a heavy price, the idea has worked with Israel come to a consensus. Days proposed trading strategies: EUR/USD: 1.3115 long stop-loss: 1.308 target: 1.319 pounds beautifulMeta: 1.571 long stop-loss: 1.567 target: 1.578 Australian dollar: 1.054 long stop-loss: 1.05 target: 1.061 dollar against the Swiss franc: 0.9185 short stop loss: 0.9220 target: 0.9120 dollar against the Canadian dollar: 1.0015 short stops: 150 targets: 0.9945