Wednesday, March 14, 2012

world of tanks power leveling should break the Hukou in for floating population management - WAD

129756355342968750_59"Caijing Roundup" according to the Beijing times reported world of tanks power leveling, delegation of the national people's Congress in Beijing, held on 5th group, reviewed the Government work report. Representatives of the national people's Congress and Secretary of the Beijing social work Committee made Song Guilun, should highlight the task of social reform at this stage, should break the Hukou in for floating population management, territory wot power leveling, identity constraints, achieving full coverage of social security。 Song Guilun believes that China's reform has entered a stage of development as the important content of the social system requires adjustment of distribution of benefits. From the management system wot power leveling, is the most important issue of the reform of Chinese social how to adapt to the new situation of population flow, population mobility, is the separation of the person now General, many older systems, particularly the Hukou system has seriouslyBound the work of community management. Song Guilun said, as soon as possible to implement the system of residence permits, so that there was a population can be achieved, including the floating population "to permit people" for services in place. At the same time, to establish as soon as possible to break the area, classification of household registration, crowd's full coverage of the national social security system security system of urban-rural integration of complete coverage. "Author: financeRoundup "(Editor: quiet)