Friday, March 23, 2012

tera power leveling stick to long-term investment - KDX

129765814554745415_14Social security funds invested in stocks began in June 2003, 8 years annualised rate of return on investments of 18.61%; the industry believes, pensions market could follow the example of the social security fund investment patterns this year, increasingly fierce debate about pension market. Supporters, face massive funding gap, inflationary pressures and the single investment channel, achieving increased hedging of pensionValue tera power leveling, the stock market is the general trend; opponents believe that pension is the people's life insurance money, hasty market is like sheep into the Tiger. As the stock market fight hard for 8 years of 15th to disclose a copy of the transcript of the social security fund, has undoubtedly pensions market painted a picture of a beautiful blueprint. According to data disclosed according to the latest National Council for Social Security Fund, social security fund in 2003Years invested in stocks began in June, over the stock assets average 19.22% per cent of total assets, $ 132.6 billion cumulative investment income, total investment return 46%; cumulative investment yield of 364.5%, annual investment income rate of 18.61%, all the accumulated average yields by more than 10 percentage points. 2011 year, fell sharply in the market, changes in social security fund trading assets fair value in the period amounted to-35.7 billion yuan. Investment income of the Fund for the year of $ 7.4 billion, lowering the rate of return on investments to 0.85%. This is the Social Security Fund did not run for the third time in 11 years to win that year's CPI after the yield on the investment of social security funds in 2004 and 2008 respectively 2.61% and-cent, compared with the rate of inflation and 3.9%, respectively. But compared with public funds and insurance funds, its performance is relatively good. According to the 2011 public placement fund industry-wide losses of up to 500.025 billion yuan, each Christian Democratic losses on average $ 4,000; and the insurance industry in the last ten years of annual investment rate of return4.73%, only 6.17% the last 5 years. On the whole, social security fund, the average annual rate of return is still significantly higher than the rate of inflation over the same period. According to the information disclosure of the Social Security Fund Council, by the end of 2011 tera gold, the national social security fund 868.9 billion yuan total assets, 2001Gold $ 284.7 billion total investment income, with an average annual yield of 8.41%, 6% higher than the rate of inflation over the same period. Social Security Fund diablo 3 gold, 11 years, social security Foundation experienced significant changes in financial markets at home and abroad many times, achieve a better income. From the angle of fund investment and operation, main reasons: first, adhere to prudent investment policy, implementation of long-term investment, Value investing, the idea of responsible investment; second, adhere to the diversification of asset allocation, fund allocation to the fixed income, equity and industry, the percentage adjustment according to market changes in a timely, distributes the investment risks; third, adhere to market-oriented and professional operation and application of direct investment and discretionary investment, delegate of the select outstanding investment managers invest in complex and ever-changing stockSecondary market; four is constantly improving the investment and operation system, make great efforts to train a professional investment operation personnel. The volatility of equity investments, but at a reasonable price to buy stocks, stick to long-term investment, long term, are higher than the fixed-income revenue. Currently, further increase in pension value of pressure, widening pension investment channels, achieving value increaseValue is a must. In fact, for pensions market, official stance seems to have clearly pointed out the direction of this year. SFC Chairman Mr Guo of China, DAI Xianglong, President of the National Council for Social Security Fund have said on various occasions that it would actively promote pension investment market. The industry believes, in the capital markets of developed countries, pensions have played a mainstay role, Became the market's stability, benefit, achieving better value. We should look at the system level, policy and operational level three to promote the pension market, as well as to follow value investing philosophy, step by step, small inputs, conditions gradually improving after market ratio. Realization of pension value added value, without prejudice to have lossesNumerous existing minority investors interests. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others: