Sunday, March 18, 2012

tera power leveling the development of immature - RHM

129748238320625000_50"" Financial report "pre-session Liu mingkang of the China Banking Regulatory Commission recently said that China VC (venture capital) and PE (private equity) is the health industry fundamentals, but at the same time there are some problems, for example, homogeneity of VC and PE is very prominent, but also between PE homogenization clearly, myopia is generally Fund stakeholders, company governanceShould be standardized.   Think VC and PE industry in China is the healthy fundamentals, Mr Liu pointed out that is based on three main reasons are characteristic to growing industry Health Fund, accounting for more than 60% to raise funds; the second is both VC and PE, industry coverage is very broad; three VC and PE exits channels compared to normal. AlthoughSo VC and PE industry developing rapidly, industry as well, but the homogeneity of the industry is very serious. Mr Liu believes that VC and PE homogeneity, PE business phenomenon of homogeneity between very prominent. Explains angel investment funds do not mature in China on the one hand, the development of immature diablo 3 gold, and between the VC business cannot be separated; on the other hand, eager tera power leveling, eager to setPE homogenization highlights. Liu mingkang also noted that PE to do only two fund mergers, and nearly $ 2 trillion global PE 63% is to merger and reorganization diablo 3 power leveling, the demand in the next ten years will be very large. "Author: the magazine Roundup" (Editor: Xuemei)