Sunday, March 11, 2012

wot power leveling about 9US $ 700 million - LQI

129749533824062500_50Fenghuangwang Tech News February Beijing time news, according to a Bloomberg news report wot power leveling, song said in a statement on Tuesday, the company had appointed 55-year old jinheyihong (Kazuhiro Tsuga) as President, succeeding Ohtsubo, aged 66 (Fumio Ohtsubo) duties. Ohtsubo will serve as Chairman of the company. Current Chairman wot power leveling, NakamuraCharles r. Bronfman (Kunio Nakamura) will become a consultant for Panasonic. Jinheyihong is currently the Senior Managing Director of Panasonic and Panasonic AV products division. On June 27 this year, after obtaining the approval of the shareholders wot power leveling, jinheyihong will take over the President's duties. Matsushita forecasts for the fiscal year ended March 31 of this year loss of 780 billion yen (about 9US $ 700 million). Panasonic and Sony profits decline in cases of appointments as a young leader. Matsushita spokesman said jinheyihong joined Panasonic in 1979, at the age of 47, was promoted to Executive Officer, Panasonic company promoted executives with the fastest. Jinheyihong helped develop the DVD recorder, in April this year prior to the Presidency of the AV products division, ledAutomotive Systems Division. In addition to members of the founding family, jinheyihong is the President of Panasonic's youngest. (Compile/Willow Wind)