Wednesday, April 4, 2012

tera power leveling length 100 m - WDJ

129771798634312310_70Yesterday, reporters learned from the Corporation of Fuzhou City: Metro construction needs, March 24, construction of subway station walls increase the tree range. West of the walls at the Wusi Road, Hua Lin Ludong, West to the layout, walls width of about 12~29 m, length 100 m, hualin road during the walls set aside 1 right turn lanes, reserved on the north side of things doubleTo 4 lanes, before key building 18 parking cancellation. According to the relevant responsible person, due to the construction of subway station across the junction tree pocket, for convenient travel reasons tera gold, walls need to be implemented in batches.    The tree stands a small surrounding walls is only temporary, and construction time is only about three months. January 28 evening tree station has begun realEffects of partial walls was closed. Hualin road projects take up middle lane (from May Fourth intersection to Golden Apple alley). Hualin road surrounding blocking segment to the May Fourth intersection to intersection tree soup tera power leveling, keep the two-way 4-lane (East 2, West 2), tree to Apple snails Lane, Tang road maintain two-way 5 lanes (East 3, West 2), section lane outside walls remain the same. Implementation of the walls within their scope? a, HREF= "" target= "_blank" class= "Akey" > new homes make a Memorial speech stolen sharpen daughter-in-law Bi Douhuang ㄐ school ㄔ naphthalin ferret medical page 3 planting tree Creek, influence a celebration Fu Huang ㄔ naphthalin kubb 3 planting tree Creek, leech Tuo Tang? lane. Tree standDuring a first stage walls off a 16-month construction period. Tree stand station 271 metres in length, total of 4 entrances, 2 air Pavilion.    Entrances are located at key buildings, the Galaxy Garden Hotel (May Fourth North Road), Fujian, Fujian Provincial Academy of agricultural sciences, industrial Exhibition Hall. Recent construction of Ping Shan station walls in the near future, Ping Shan station subway will also beFor construction of walls. Road to the North and the walls along the drum screen layout, walls width 8 meters extension of 260 metres in length, consider ye road, drum screens road as traffic main road tera gold, walls during the crossing reserved, reserved drum screen road bi-directional 4 lanes between North and South.    Yeshan junction 26 parking in front of ABC to cancel. Ping Shan station of Metro line Line 1 station 173.4 metres in length,Total of 4 entrance (2nd, 4th, entrance reserved) 2 sets of air Pavilion. Others: