Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera gold this year - RZA

129773903216875000_115IT said defections tide strikes pharmaceutical hopping real estate names top three The new year has just begun, IT engineer Xiao Zhao began to frequent attention to the major website's recruitment information. In nearly three years, Xiao Zhao joined the early each year "defections tide", anyway, has been a doubling of salaries and higher posts, in early 2012, "hopping tide" another avalanche, Xiao Zhao arrived in temptation difficult to sth According to the qianchengwuyou website to the ChinaInformation of economic weekly, January 30-February 5, after the Spring Festival, the first week, talent market reached an unprecedented good start. Qianchengwuyou day only job has reached more than 1.86 million, more than rose 9.1% 2011. CCTV financial channel of the opponents of the program have also produced a program to jump to topic. "According to the CV analysis and Executive Search GroupRough calculation can be found, this year's ' moved by tide ' to come earlier and more intense. "Senior career consultancy Wang Jian qianchengwuyou said in an interview with the China economic weekly. Beijing, Guangzhou talent demand surge in recent years, "fled northward to wide and deep" voice continued, but as the four major cities, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen has always been with the largest personnel throughput with up toEmployment opportunities. Only from qianchengwuyou provide total talent demand, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen are still among the top four. First week 2012, talent demand in four major cities of 49.9% per cent of total posts, Beijing and Guangzhou respectively over the same period last year increased by the amount of talent demand and 15.6%. "In the European debt crisis is not toState enterprises have a large negative effect, adjustment of China's own driving demand for talent, and, by the rising of the turnover-plagued employers have had to increase recruiting efforts. "Wang Jian believes that improving economic environment brought more employment and career opportunities. In addition, Beijing, Guangzhou Enterprise total size choice is strong, easy to form a mass of "jumpTank surge "and changes in personnel. Analysis of Wang Jian: "cities ranked first echelon of the talent exchange market, hopping �C its likely because the industry enterprises, and the choice of large, employee loyalty is far lower than two or three lines of the first tier cities. "IT moved by the top three pharmaceutical real estate names from industry, the Internet, computer software requirements" UCH ", respectively, 2Rose and 33.2% 011, in stark contrast with computer hardware industry talent demand situation. Qianchengwuyou Feng lijuan Chief human resources experts when in an interview with the China economic weekly briefing, mobile Internet has become the new round investment hotspots. "This new area more than 90% are small companies, technical and marketing staff to meet enterpriseEmployment needs. "Because of the many small companies, on the premise of enterprise stability is not strong, pay temptation becomes the Mace of the company to attract talent, therefore, IT has also become moved by top industry. Compared with the IT industry continue to hot, in 2012, the pharmaceutical industry all of a sudden one of the runner-up on the throne is impressive, in the past few years, the pharmaceutical industry has been a rare list. EarlyMany multinational pharmaceutical companies such as Merck, nuohua, AstraZeneca and Sanofi were out of job losses in Europe and the plan. But in the Chinese market, has become a talent to attract pharmaceutical industry giant. According to qianchengwuyou statistics, biotechnology, pharmaceutical industry job posting 2011 rose 10.9%, in which pharmaceutical sales representative in greatest need, and professional and technical personnelPolitical status also have large gaps. "Europe and the United States Government to deal with the sovereign debt crisis, shrinking national health care expenditure, leading to patented medicines pharmaceutical companies operating in the West as the main source of income difficult. "Analysis of Feng lijuan," comparison, China's medical insurance system gradually improved, increasing medical expenditure, market potential, and low-cost market in ChinaProduction of generic drugs provide fertile ground. "Expansion of foreign companies to great pressure on local companies, foreign firms generally pay better, higher degree of modernization of management, personnel training system to improve the situation, some with proven resources and experience of sales and technical staff began" go for the ocean ", in search of better career opportunities. The past few years, real estate industry has been steadyTalent exchange market leader position. In 2012, with the tightening of State regulatory policy on real estate industry year after year, of real estate industry job posting also fell over the same period last year, the 0.5%, to take third. "In 2009 and 2010, real estate investment has been growing fast, two-year transfer of residential land scale to more than 800 million square meters, crazyHou, covered a two-year deadline to 2012 will have a lot of projects have to start pushing. This means that employment demand will remain high in the real estate industry. "Feng lijuan said: this year, and real estate industries, mechanical engineering, energy and construction of related posts in a week after decoration class increased and 12.5%, respectively, increment the main city in two or three lines. Go toEnd of the year, hit the wave of real estate enterprises cut back sales, at the same time, many real estate marketing revenue suffers due to poor sales performance, active left the company. In 2012, the pressure to reduce inventory for the first real estate company to step up the recruitment of sales personnel. End of year awards "the Sun" out of trouble based on the qianchengwuyou survey, individual career development encounter bottlenecks(31%), the current salaries and benefits are not satisfactory (30%), poor development of enterprises (14.5%) breakdown of job seekers moved because the first three bits. "' Jump boomers ' new part is in the workplace, their impetuous impulses tera gold, blindly follow, development prospects, salary, position, company size, corporate culture, or even commute distance will be moved by reason. "KingSword said. But unlike in previous years was that late last year, micro-Bo Sun bonus accidentally become a hot topic in the workplace and even grows a new one-year "defections tide" became more intense. By the end of 2011, Faw-Volkswagen is aeration issued 27 months before wages when the year-end forestall one ' s opponent by a show of strength, relief steamed bread made by the enterprise after the coffin bonus in awe the audience. Sun bonus tideIn the "envy envy and hate" become a psychological feeling of lots of new people in the workplace. "Where rivalries caused a collective mental fluctuations, has a lot of friends around me are as bonus will jump. "Xiao Zhao said. Based on the year-end special zhilianzhaopin launch in 2011 survey, 10,770 career people surveyed tera power leveling, only 51.31% of enterprises set up yearFinal awards. Get bonus in the workplace, 43.7% $ 5,000 bonus in the following, 56.3% got a bonus of more than $ 5,000. Most interesting is, expressing satisfaction with the year-end release of only 30% people in the workplace. "2011 CPI rising prices are rising, but wages and year-end rally is not so clear,Xia, mental imbalance of many people. "A private pharmaceutical company Finance Director Liu Yuxin said in an interview with the China economic weekly. Liu Yuxin is both beneficiaries of the bonuses, and makers of the bonus amount, her ambivalence reflects interests game relation between enterprises and employees: "bonus is based on the profit level of the year, personnel mobility,People costs under the situation of higher year after year, end of year awards were overwhelmed by enterprises. "In order to prevent its employees a bonus anyway, Enterprise Shih BA Pan Wu Yi. "Many companies defer the bonus to the issue in the coming year, and directly cancel the bonuses, select the ways to encourage staff to increase wages, there is, some enterprises the bonus ' slab ', stages in the coming year issued�� "Ultimately, rein in bonuses is still insufficient to resist" hopping tide "of temptation. "Companies need to recognize that employment is a complex project tera gold, requires strategies and a variety of means, to sustain long-term operations. "External network CEO hunt Dai Kebin said in an interview with the China economic weekly, enterprises must come up with a competitive benefits and rewards, train employees on EnterpriseIndustry's confidence in the future and identity of the company, and to create space for the growth of employees, such as: mechanisms for sharing, training, continuing education, promotion and so on, can achieve the ultimate stability of enterprise personnel. Others: