Monday, April 2, 2012

star wars credits Guangdong farm group - PYB

129771798773374810_47 <a href="">star wars credits</a>On 2012, recently issued by the Ministry said the description of the State-owned asset budget tera gold, 2012 Central Organization of State-owned capital income and expenditure of 87.507 billion yuan, of which central special funds $ 8 billion of merger and reorganization of enterprises, State-owned economy and the readjustment of the industrial structure of expenditure of $ 13.3 billion. According to the note, the 2012 CentralScope of State-owned capital budgeting: Commission Regulation 117 enterprises, enterprises 55; the Ministry of education is a member Enterprise 508; 81 of Ministry-owned enterprises; Heilongjiang beidahuang directly under the Ministry of agriculture (600 diablo 3 power leveling,598), State farms Corporation, Guangdong farm group; the Ministry of health is a member Enterprise 3; directly under the State administration of radio, film and television film setCompany director of the affiliated enterprises 53; 27 of which the China Council for promotion of international trade enterprises; the immediate capital airports holding company of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, and cultural enterprises of the Central leading Group Office of State-owned assets supervision and management performance of Central cultural enterprises of investor responsibility 113; Cntc China Post Corporation. Total, above a level Enterprise963. ����The note says, 2012 central State-owned capital income budget of 87.507 billion yuan, which: 82.3 billion yuan profit income, dividend, dividend income of 100 million Yuan, State share sales revenue of $ 2 billion, closing 3.107 billion yuan a year earlier. Expenditure side, 2012 central State-owned asset budget expenditure for 875. $ 700 million. ����Where: capital expenditures $ 74.472 billion; cost expenditures of $ 5.525 billion; other expenditure of $ 7.51 billion. Includes: Central special funds $ 8 billion of merger and reorganization of enterprises, mainly used to support merger of Central enterprises merger and reorganization of the subject of the work. State-owned economy and industrial structure adjustment in expenditure of $ 13.3 billion, mainly for theCentral equity, the industrial structure adjustment and industrial upgrade of development spending. ����Central enterprises ' overseas investment spending $ 8 billion, mainly to support central business through new, outside the establishment of non-financial enterprises such as mergers and acquisitions or acquisition of non-financial enterprises of rights such as the right to ownership, control and management. At the same time, major central enterprise technology innovation projectExpenditure of $ 11 billion, mainly for supporting the central enterprise technology innovation capacity-building and technology development activities. Major energy-saving emission reduction project of Central enterprises spend $ 8 billion, mainly for supporting a central enterprise energy saving and emission reduction. Central safety security spending $ 1 billion for capacity-building, mainly used to support capacity-building in key industries of Central enterprises safety production guarantee.In addition, the new industries development expenditure of $ 4.5 billion, mainly to support culture, the development of new agricultural and other related industries. Includes: Xinjiang bingtuan industrial development fund expenditure of $ 1 billion, culture and other industry spending $ 3.5 billion. Central Enterprise foreign economic and technical cooperation expenditure of $ 2 billion. Pilot spending 500 million yuan of central financial management information. SOE reformTurnaround grant spending $ 22.5 billion. Social security spending 500 million yuan of Central enterprises. Reduction of State-owned shares of income supplement pension fund expenditure of $ 2.01 billion. Call into the budget for social security and other public expenditure of $ 5 billion of people's livelihood. Reserve funds 1.197 billion yuan, for dealing with emergency matters of Central enterprises. Others: