Saturday, April 21, 2012

tera power leveling but market volume is not a valid zoom - FST

129784668165210000_249Gold: a share expected to improve impact policy is fundamental During the holidays a few messages to promote market rebounding, but market volume is not a valid zoom, display the current good news for the market, the direct effect is still only stay at the expected level. This causes is to the point and 1 quarter rebound. However, and 1 situation at the beginning of the quarter was: a practical introduction to current market will pay more attention to policy and effects, while the top of the holdChips under pressure from 1 quarter 2500.1 moved to 2400.1 in the current line. Therefore, if the market cannot be effectively observed early to high levels, will be very difficult to effectively return again and hold more than 2,400 points. Due to the current market decline of economic growth and policy tends to relax the general direction of the judge the difference is not large, so real on future movements caused by shadowKey ring is to content on the specific policies, launch and implementation of the results of the judgment. In our view, can have a fundamental impact on the current market policy has two main classes. First is the macro-policies, which include monetary policy, credit policy and real estate policies and investments in infrastructure-related policies. Type II is directed to the equity of policies, isThe policy of increasing the supply of money in the stock market, policies such as promoting social security, QFII Fund of funds into the stock market, the second is to increase the supply of stock policy, such as the introduction of new third tera power leveling, over-the-counter market launch and the IPO of relaxation of the conditions. In the case of actual monetary easing effect is not evident in the 1 quarter, the Central Bank will increase the intensity of loosening is once again in the short term marketsFocus. 1 was from the Central Bank to abandon this reduction the deposit at the end of the quarter Windows and the amount due April open market analysis on large, Central Bank action time again could still later than the market expected. Even if the Central Bank further storage tera gold, taking into account the April bank deposit will be lost again, credit growth will be stifled again. Real estate starts in the short term, there isThe recovery cases, investment in infrastructure can also worth focusing on the rebound. But it is to a large extent depend on the ability and willingness of banks to take on more risk. Macro-background of an existing asset quality is unsatisfactory and the Bank's own position, this will be in doubt. If you push the marketization of interest rates squeezing Bank profits space, will further promote banksRisk will decline. The bottom line is that in China's banking and financial system and investment-oriented economic growth pattern is matched, are unlikely to change only one. We believe in late April is looking for a breakthrough in the market views of critical time window. Until then, we recommend that investors do not have to kill blindly chasing rising stocks fell tera power leveling, but should also note whether the turnover of close toEffective amplification. On the plate selection, recommends policies, led by continuing to focus on real estate and brokerage expected benefits section. Others: