Friday, June 29, 2012

to regain control

129836519462812500_18Hong Kong today ' Iceman ' Ma of Alibaba IPO new chess beginning economies of From Taobao is divided into three, Taobao Mall renamed cats, and to combat corruption, to regain control, the establishment of the Group's Chief Risk Officer, MA-all match and constantly in front of the market. However, his piece far more than this. On June 6, the Alibaba Group (hereinafter referred to as Ali group) announced that its listed company Alibaba B2B (01688,HK) will appearToday (June 8) stopped trading, June 20 to exit the stock exchange of Hong Kong. According to the daily economic news reporter has learned, the company was listed in Hong Kong on November 6, 2007, raised HK $ 11.6 billion, reached a size of most Internet companies in China. This money, but also for the development of the Ali group into the "living water". In this regard, industryAnalysts say B2B Ali, has become a group of "chicken business", its focus is the development of Taobao, cats and now Alipay service. At the same time, after agreeing with the Yahoo Group, MA Ali, regained control of the group, thus its listing plans also became a focus of attention in the industry as a whole. At present, MA's fight against corruption, the fight against fake and a series of actions designed to pushGroup plans to market as a whole, from now until June or July next year is a good time. Layout: weakening B2B businesses on February 21 this year, Ali Group announced plans to price of HK $ 13.5 each, Alibaba, the acquisition of the remaining 27.03% shares, after the privatization of Ali Baba from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange delisted, privatization transactions involving financing is expected to be over 19 billion Hong Kong dollars. Reasons for privatization, the company said in the announcement, the transformation of business strategy needs, and at the same time to the small shareholders with return on investment opportunities. This Internet observers said Fang xingdong, delisting of privatization is to get rid of the Ali group B2B, a "chicken ribs". Will enhance the Ali group development strategy in B2B companies back spiritsActivity, and its future operation of capital must be built around the most valuable business. For Ma, after seeking B2B companies is very effective, because access to development funds. "When listing when it is B2B trade better, now slowing has affected the pace of development in the development of earnings is not good, so it is difficult to achieve in the past that high market valueAnd less likely to have 100 times earnings. "Lu Zhenwang on the daily economic news reporters, limited value compared to B2B, the Ali group, biggest piece is no longer a B2B business, cats, Taobao's income is better now days. Turns out, Ali groups do focus on the development of Taobao, has by far the most valuable days of cat and PayPal and B2BValue reduced to a very small part. Insiders have said that, in General, only the values at the low end is more privatization, will have more to buy back. Layout of the second: take control over privatization of the group, the company said in a notice, has nothing to do with anecdotal rumors of Yahoo acquisition, Ali recently re-listings-free. However, the privatization of the Ali Group b2B a outgoing message, immediately attracted the market's attention. Due to privatization initiatives in the Ali group Yahoo stake negotiations had reached an impasse with the sensitive period, amid continued to believe that he "next great game". ChinaVenture investment analyst Feng Po analysis says, the company after privatization, would be conducive to promoting the YahooRepo transactions go smoothly. Although Ali group in talks with Yahoo for the repurchase of shares of setbacks, "asset cash" deal is still ideal for both sides. On Yahoo, still intends to hold good assets to obtain long-term gains, holding group is a subsidiary and no substantive difference; Ma, in order to get control over groupAnd transfer of subsidiary shares, or an acceptable formula. According to the economic daily news reporter learned that according to the information released on May 21, Ali group will be the price of US $ 7.1 billion (which includes Yahoo added $ 800 million worth of preferred stock) to buy back stake in Yahoo 20%. This also means, the valuation of the transaction on the Ali group just US $ 35 billion.However, with the gradual disclosure of information, market found that the deal has only just begun, because according to reports, the Ali group must meet the following criteria: by 2016, to IPO, gross income of not less than $ 3 billion of financing (2011-Ali Group's total operating income of us $ 2.8 billion), you need to buy back Yahoo's shares at a premium of 110%, and bySelect one of Yahoo IPO underwriters, or Yahoo will be free to sell the remaining stake. So calculated, Ali Group valued at least $ 73.5 billion. Yahoo 7 years time, will have us $ 1 billion for at least US $ 11.5 billion in receipts diablo 3 power leveling, receipts that do not include the Alipay. Although Ali group has external stress, no any listing�� But the industry believes that after Ma to regain control, bound to achieve overall IPO of the group as soon as possible. Layout of the three: rectification and change to IPO observer e-commerce Lu Zhenwang said Ali group not only to do at present size also make profits, in addition to the financial statements, making profits of scale to achieve a State of balance, are ready to IPO. Analysys think-tankSenior Analyst yanxiaojia said Ali B2B business and stronger after the delisting is a major difficulty. Ali group company, also came to the fore, internal resources, improve efficiency, and build better processes, more streamlined, more refined, equivalent to improve internal management, is a very difficult problem. On June 6, Ali announced, in group managementTeam in the establishment of a Chief Risk Officer (ChiefRiskOfficer, hereinafter referred to as CRO) post, former PayPal CEO, Ali group of the Secretary-General's duties, such as Shao Xiaofeng will take up the post, is mainly responsible for the development of Group's risk management strategy, planning, establishing a risk management evaluation criteria, and organizational matters. Chief Risk Officer position from the United States view my site here,China established the duties of companies concentrated in the financial sector. Reasons for the establishment of the posts, Ali said "must learn at a fine time to repair the roof." Ali said it needed in the market environment changes made before the deployment, which includes optimization of organizational structure, as well as systemic risk should be institutional innovation. According to Ali group is notTo plan, it will be on a system of values in institution-building, strengthening and protection, to promote risk management system in order to "help in achieving the strategic objectives of the process, uncertainty and the impact of the change control in the affordable range, efficient allocation of resources, promote the resources of market-oriented, transparent and fair. "Seemingly oblivious of the personnel changes, just the addition of aJobs, but are intended to be listed as a whole layout, Lu Zhenwang on the daily economic news reporters, overseas are most concerned about is whether the Ali group with fraudulent transactions, especially issues such as fake. Overseas investors have their own values, their investment enterprises can not be grey income of a business. Of course, Ali is also aware of the problem, including the regulation of corruption,False cat shop some days of combat, coupled with Shao Xiaofeng as CRO, which are for the overall layout of the IPO. Ali group listed, is there in the industry. Lu Zhenwang, Ali group IPO opportunities are greatest in the two or three quarter of next year, there is a years time from now until next June or July, businesses can maintain rapid growth, this can giveInvestors expect more growth. S to the year after next, some innovative businesses, business, growth will be slower, may affect the value. Foreign capital currently give a valuation of $ 50 billion or more, higher valuations, which also reflects the more optimistic about the Ali group, its operational capacity is relatively strong. 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