Saturday, June 9, 2012

said Wednesday local time in Europe TERA CD-key said Wednesday local time in Europe - IFLX

129823466982343750_319Double male gobbled up Chahin Milan Real Madrid 13 million Netherlands new international Yeah sporting May 24: the Marka revealed a few days ago SWTOR Credits, Shaheen has no intention of leaving Real Madrid this summer, however, it also does not affect a lot of giants to he throws olive branch. In addition, the Real Madrid midfielder foreign aid TERA CD-key, little Lucas has become the main target, also emerged today, Netherlands new international vision of Adam-Macher entering Mu handsome. DC networks: Real Madrid 13 million euroPursuit of Dutch star Adam-Macher according to Sky Sports, said Wednesday local time in Europe, Milan Gagliani TERA Gold, Vice Chairman and broker Matthew Bryza of Shaheen had a meet, Gagliani want Matthew Bryza to function Shaheen to the rossoneri. Many media which had revealed that inter are looking for 23 years Turkey genius. Today when Milan after the intervention, theShould make very happy Real Madrid, after all, this is equivalent to the Shaheen is expected to sell a high price. Shaheen will leave bonawu, Real Madrid will strive to buy Alkmaar 18 years old genius midfielder Adam-Macher, Spain media cited the DC network Netherlands media reports that Real Madrid has plans to buy bid 13 million euros of this selected Netherlands team the European Cup first listMidfield star. To make aerkeerma happy people end, Real Madrid and even said that during the next one to two years to Adam-Macher leased back to Alkmaar. Join Real Madrid has a very attractive for any player, Adam-Macher is naturally no exception, in fact the player has recently said: "If Real Madrid to call me, I will surelyBelieves that this is a special opportunity. "Is also a midfielder foreign aid, Real Madrid's pursue small Lucas has encountered some resistance. Paulo youwenxiao does have recently confirmed that Real Madrid President favors smaller Lucas, but also denied that Real Madrid has offered 35 million euros, meanwhile has stressed that Chelsea previously offered 40 million euros is acceptable, and many EnglishState media believes that Chelsea are little Lucas, a higher probability than real Madrid. Others: