Friday, June 29, 2012

activities in the chat to first times first love

129836375437812500_14Zhao Ting ad embarrassing response to Virgin says Zhao Ting. --> Zhao and Ting shy laugh said themselves also shichu men (information video) CFP6 months 8th reported 7th, Zhao and Ting (click Watch Zhao and Ting television works Meng Xia under, and Meng Xia under notice most excellent of Taiwan gang tablets under) a hit white suit debut shooting advertising tablets, first Tan outline performances the brand of shooting TV advertising view my site here, recently has been and high round round (clickWatch high round round television works around under) of "and round love" was all attention, Zhao and Ting said, themselves has found mind in the of snow (click Watch snow television works Jinling 13 hairpin under, and and youth about of days under) Princess, if now to sent out marriage ring is too fast has, thank you members so concern we (and round love), we also only just began, themselvesWhen it comes to planning want to marry before the age of 30 before, see time can achieve, but only attained the age of 30 in two years, he asked Zhao Ting proposed to round in what way? Zhao Ting responded, we all know I'm not romantic, then I will try to think about it, this is very important for girls, lives an important memories, I will double up. Yesterday attended the film for the first timeUnder Taipei Premiere will of Zhao and Ting, activities in the chat to first times first love, Zhao and Ting said is flat, as "first times" bed Shang experience, Zhao and Ting said: "this cannot", answer back type joke claiming to be "I shichu men" diablo iii power leveling, "Virgin said" became news focus, Zhao and Ting site embarrassing said for (Virgin) this pieces thing, if members believe, I also no approach block you, quickly goMoving topics, "Virgin said" or leave space for everyone to imagine.

to regain control

129836519462812500_18Hong Kong today ' Iceman ' Ma of Alibaba IPO new chess beginning economies of From Taobao is divided into three, Taobao Mall renamed cats, and to combat corruption, to regain control, the establishment of the Group's Chief Risk Officer, MA-all match and constantly in front of the market. However, his piece far more than this. On June 6, the Alibaba Group (hereinafter referred to as Ali group) announced that its listed company Alibaba B2B (01688,HK) will appearToday (June 8) stopped trading, June 20 to exit the stock exchange of Hong Kong. According to the daily economic news reporter has learned, the company was listed in Hong Kong on November 6, 2007, raised HK $ 11.6 billion, reached a size of most Internet companies in China. This money, but also for the development of the Ali group into the "living water". In this regard, industryAnalysts say B2B Ali, has become a group of "chicken business", its focus is the development of Taobao, cats and now Alipay service. At the same time, after agreeing with the Yahoo Group, MA Ali, regained control of the group, thus its listing plans also became a focus of attention in the industry as a whole. At present, MA's fight against corruption, the fight against fake and a series of actions designed to pushGroup plans to market as a whole, from now until June or July next year is a good time. Layout: weakening B2B businesses on February 21 this year, Ali Group announced plans to price of HK $ 13.5 each, Alibaba, the acquisition of the remaining 27.03% shares, after the privatization of Ali Baba from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange delisted, privatization transactions involving financing is expected to be over 19 billion Hong Kong dollars. Reasons for privatization, the company said in the announcement, the transformation of business strategy needs, and at the same time to the small shareholders with return on investment opportunities. This Internet observers said Fang xingdong, delisting of privatization is to get rid of the Ali group B2B, a "chicken ribs". Will enhance the Ali group development strategy in B2B companies back spiritsActivity, and its future operation of capital must be built around the most valuable business. For Ma, after seeking B2B companies is very effective, because access to development funds. "When listing when it is B2B trade better, now slowing has affected the pace of development in the development of earnings is not good, so it is difficult to achieve in the past that high market valueAnd less likely to have 100 times earnings. "Lu Zhenwang on the daily economic news reporters, limited value compared to B2B, the Ali group, biggest piece is no longer a B2B business, cats, Taobao's income is better now days. Turns out, Ali groups do focus on the development of Taobao, has by far the most valuable days of cat and PayPal and B2BValue reduced to a very small part. Insiders have said that, in General, only the values at the low end is more privatization, will have more to buy back. Layout of the second: take control over privatization of the group, the company said in a notice, has nothing to do with anecdotal rumors of Yahoo acquisition, Ali recently re-listings-free. However, the privatization of the Ali Group b2B a outgoing message, immediately attracted the market's attention. Due to privatization initiatives in the Ali group Yahoo stake negotiations had reached an impasse with the sensitive period, amid continued to believe that he "next great game". ChinaVenture investment analyst Feng Po analysis says, the company after privatization, would be conducive to promoting the YahooRepo transactions go smoothly. Although Ali group in talks with Yahoo for the repurchase of shares of setbacks, "asset cash" deal is still ideal for both sides. On Yahoo, still intends to hold good assets to obtain long-term gains, holding group is a subsidiary and no substantive difference; Ma, in order to get control over groupAnd transfer of subsidiary shares, or an acceptable formula. According to the economic daily news reporter learned that according to the information released on May 21, Ali group will be the price of US $ 7.1 billion (which includes Yahoo added $ 800 million worth of preferred stock) to buy back stake in Yahoo 20%. This also means, the valuation of the transaction on the Ali group just US $ 35 billion.However, with the gradual disclosure of information, market found that the deal has only just begun, because according to reports, the Ali group must meet the following criteria: by 2016, to IPO, gross income of not less than $ 3 billion of financing (2011-Ali Group's total operating income of us $ 2.8 billion), you need to buy back Yahoo's shares at a premium of 110%, and bySelect one of Yahoo IPO underwriters, or Yahoo will be free to sell the remaining stake. So calculated, Ali Group valued at least $ 73.5 billion. Yahoo 7 years time, will have us $ 1 billion for at least US $ 11.5 billion in receipts diablo 3 power leveling, receipts that do not include the Alipay. Although Ali group has external stress, no any listing�� But the industry believes that after Ma to regain control, bound to achieve overall IPO of the group as soon as possible. Layout of the three: rectification and change to IPO observer e-commerce Lu Zhenwang said Ali group not only to do at present size also make profits, in addition to the financial statements, making profits of scale to achieve a State of balance, are ready to IPO. Analysys think-tankSenior Analyst yanxiaojia said Ali B2B business and stronger after the delisting is a major difficulty. Ali group company, also came to the fore, internal resources, improve efficiency, and build better processes, more streamlined, more refined, equivalent to improve internal management, is a very difficult problem. On June 6, Ali announced, in group managementTeam in the establishment of a Chief Risk Officer (ChiefRiskOfficer, hereinafter referred to as CRO) post, former PayPal CEO, Ali group of the Secretary-General's duties, such as Shao Xiaofeng will take up the post, is mainly responsible for the development of Group's risk management strategy, planning, establishing a risk management evaluation criteria, and organizational matters. Chief Risk Officer position from the United States view my site here,China established the duties of companies concentrated in the financial sector. Reasons for the establishment of the posts, Ali said "must learn at a fine time to repair the roof." Ali said it needed in the market environment changes made before the deployment, which includes optimization of organizational structure, as well as systemic risk should be institutional innovation. According to Ali group is notTo plan, it will be on a system of values in institution-building, strengthening and protection, to promote risk management system in order to "help in achieving the strategic objectives of the process, uncertainty and the impact of the change control in the affordable range, efficient allocation of resources, promote the resources of market-oriented, transparent and fair. "Seemingly oblivious of the personnel changes, just the addition of aJobs, but are intended to be listed as a whole layout, Lu Zhenwang on the daily economic news reporters, overseas are most concerned about is whether the Ali group with fraudulent transactions, especially issues such as fake. Overseas investors have their own values, their investment enterprises can not be grey income of a business. Of course, Ali is also aware of the problem, including the regulation of corruption,False cat shop some days of combat, coupled with Shao Xiaofeng as CRO, which are for the overall layout of the IPO. Ali group listed, is there in the industry. Lu Zhenwang, Ali group IPO opportunities are greatest in the two or three quarter of next year, there is a years time from now until next June or July, businesses can maintain rapid growth, this can giveInvestors expect more growth. S to the year after next, some innovative businesses, business, growth will be slower, may affect the value. Foreign capital currently give a valuation of $ 50 billion or more, higher valuations, which also reflects the more optimistic about the Ali group, its operational capacity is relatively strong. 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[scroll] Li Daxiao: oil prices down to benefit transportation stocks good (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank rate cut Sun private care to the weak market Outlook (06-08:29) [scroll] Fund initiative to reduce the positions of large companies this week to jiancang main (06-08) [scroll] suning Tesco invested 200 million upgrade price war aimed at cat Jing dong (06-08) [scroll] Everbright PRU us: warmer save opportunities of the market optimistic about the real estate brokerage sector (06-0818:22) [scroll] Shanghai Middle: methanol market weak shock unchanged (06-08) [scroll] when Bo: cut release steady downward growth signals market space is limited (06-08) [scroll] Ma Guangyuan: oil prices from "falling into place" long (06-08: 17) [scroll] Niu Li: the fall in oil prices on oil products sales traction co (06-08) [scroll] response to General Secretary sky-high pay Payroll Department of Sinopec forge (06-08) [scroll] Everbright PRU us: market at the lower edge of the box (06-08) [Scrolling] text record the closing of the Forum (06-08) [scroll] significantly lower fuel prices in China (06-08) [scroll] 2011 County Finance of government revenue of 111.684 billion million (06-08) [scroll] from the Audit Commission published 27 transferCase matters (06-08) [scroll] iron Dragon logistics: raised its price target to $ 10.89 buy rating (06-08) [scroll] Beijing downgraded provident fund interest rates (06-08) [scroll] SFC: reorganization of units involved insider trading of listed companies suspendedRestructuring (06-08) [scroll] first two even dropped in July for three years or even dropped three (06-08) [scroll] clippings from: Chinese need to be deeply involved in economic globalization and regional cooperation (06-08) [scroll] Han Xiaoping: Syria volatile situation will not be pushed up international oil prices (06-08) [scroll] Pan gongsheng resignation of Deputy Governor of the agricultural Bank or Bank of assignment (06-08) [scroll] Dong Xiucheng: drop the price of oil for economic analysis may release under the good (06-08) [scroll] notice of China Securities Regulatory Commission on strengthening the supervision of restructuring unit change (06-0817:55) [scroll] weeks of the Earth: oil prices will likely continue downward (06-08) [scroll] China stable power supply pressures eased (06-08) [scroll] business futures company owned tube pilot net official capital of 500 million Yuan (06-08) [rollingFixed] ruida Futures: key price fell below even the coke vulnerable still (06-08) [scroll] LE, Yucheng: four recommendations to APEC development (06-08) [scroll] development and Reform Commission national power deployment in 2012 to meet summer peak (06-08) steamDiesel down $ 0.39 per litre respectively, and $ 0.44 | Affecting the sectors and stocks | Successive adjustment | Thematic Lin Bo Qiang: modified by the fall in oil prices high | Oil prices or will continue down | Boost sales limited [] cut 0.25% | Loan limit of 0.8 times times | Housing provident fund interest rates |Special counties in the private tomb of Super Deluxe [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] not related to construction Bank fellRecord bank insurance business not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a VicePower-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] rich 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corresponds to current price earnings ratio twenty three-seventeenths/three times

129823520589843750_129Hisun pharmaceutical industry: sea is Pfizer's formal signing of the joint venture agreement Sea is officially signed a joint venture agreement today Pfizer said Pfizer and company and wholly-owned subsidiary of sea-is Hangzhou Luxembourg company formally signed the agreement on joint venture, funded three parties will work together to set up a joint venture company view my site here, investment amounted to US $ 295 million, registered capital of US $ 250 million. Sea is working with Pfizer and 51% of the registered capital. Sea is PfizerAlliance to promote orderly sea working with Pfizer intends to set up a joint venture company in May 2011, signed a letter of intent, a year or so to complete a formal cooperation agreement. The establishment of the joint venture company to be adopted by the Board of Trustees considered submitted to the approval of the general meeting of shareholders, and by the Department of Commerce and the national development and Reform Commission approved before the formal implementation. We believe that the joint venture company by only a matter of time, the year is expected toComplete the formation of the marketing team and variety into the integration of existing preparations, next year is expected to bring performance to the company contribution, 14 are expected to achieve greater growth. Antineoplastic agents is a joint-venture company is most likely in the early cooperation by sea are compared with the Pfizer drug product line in 2010 and raise investment projects non-public offering of shares, we believe that the initial anti-cancer drugs will beThe best starting point. Raised investment projects of water for injection 25 million bottles, lyophilized 25 million bottles, 160 million particles of solid preparation production line anti-tumor agents will ensure high-quality supply. Parties are expected to venture further into the future outstanding variety. Investment recommendations and ratings and the world's largest multinational enterprises and occupied a dominant position proved the companyWas highly recognized. Manufacturers while the first quarter of the year because the downstream preparation equipment maintenance to bring a certain amount of fluctuation of short-term results, but our long-term bullish on transformation from raw materials to the preparations of the company success. EPS is expected 2012-2014 $ 1.10/1.48/1.87, respectively, corresponds to current price earnings ratio twenty three-seventeenths/three times, respectively. To give2012 PE, target price $ 33, maintaining a "buy" rating. Pfizer venture and risk integration risks; Government departments approval and risk can be passed by the General Assembly of shareholders; price risks associated with prescription drug policy; drug export exchange rate risk.

[scroll] foreign trade data show that China's economy gradually lower stabilisation

129838017191562500_62Yinlu contract wide medicine King Lao JI figure red and green battle looming behind Nestlé If a ' Wang Lao JI ' "trademark arbitration settles a case of node, now Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Corporation and jiaduobao Corporation has entered the second stage of PK--listing of their herbal tea, accompanied by fierce ' red tank ' controversy. It is tragic, in the interests of fighting this summer, round has not ceded on the outcome, and the next round--channel dispute has been in full swing.Red tank battles, mostly move process, and will separate the winning or losing, this "red green" may not be a winner. On May 28, Wang Lao JI founder fifth daixuansun-herbal tea-Wang Jianyi out Beijing, jiaduobao limited (hereinafter referred to as "extra treasure") platform, and published a paper is a component of the statement--"I again, How precious production increases by a secret recipe handed down from generation to generation in the preparation of herbal tea is authorized by my exclusive, a former, now is, is also in the future. "On June 3, the Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Corporation (hereinafter referred to as" Guangzhou pharmaceutical ") wears a red tank Wang Lao JI shock appeared for the first time in the herbal tea in the great wall, and published the Declaration of the great wall, an affidavit is Wang Lao JI into a brand in the world. Also make a vision--"within five years to achieve annual sales$ 30 billion to 2020 to achieve annual sales of 60 billion yuan. "This is the second round after the first round, an arbitration case and then, facing jiaduobao has been lost, has held high profile media presentations. "Great sadness, the momentum never lost on, so as to obtain as much as possible consumer understanding and sympathy. "Market observers Qu Jingman on new financial reporter. Zhihou, Followed by Guangzhou pharmaceutical Press Conference stressed that "Wang Lao JI" have returned to Guangzhou pharmaceutical and jiaduobao of "infringing goods" to "denounce"--in this case, red tank battle has been seen. This time, jiaduobao is also a "movement"-May 17, jiaduobao brought to the Beijing first intermediate people's Court to withdraw "Wang Lao JI" trademark application for a ruling. The hospital alsoHave been placed. Latest progress, day of Guangzhou pharmaceutical Wang Lao JI listed wears red tank, jiaduobao has issued a paper statement – is intended to highlight, Guangzhou pharmaceutical red tank "infringement". "Now, who is infringing? Has become inextricably intertwined. Which side lost, there will be a bunch of people are worse, so the two sides are to spell. But the result is bound to be--neither. "In the field of energy dissipation for many years in the gameOne Executive to new financial journalists analyze. Qu Jingman believes that red cans packaging is Wang Laoji this brand for years to form, with a unique identification of the brand symbol. In the eyes of consumers, red tank and Wang Lao JI is seamless, if Wang Lao JI remove red packaging, consumers ' recognition of fuzzy, formation of long-term brand equity cannot be strengthened and renewed, King of consumerLaoji cognition is based on red cans packaging. In short – to replace Wang Lao JI green packaging, most consumers do not recognize that "they will think it is Wang Laoji Wang Lao JI has not before." In fact, as early as a month ago, after Wang Lao JI trademark arbitration to settle, "red tank battle will be the focus next fight"--when marketingWhen interviewed by new financial reporter Li Lin Chun, was already expected this result. Now, this contention has not tell each other. Jiaduobao "statement" of Guangzhou pharmaceutical torts, but has yet to appeal. "Seize the time to collect evidence. For example, the other in red tank hard advertisements published in the Wang Lao JI, and drink the Red jar is also gather. "June 8Today, more treasure to people familiar with the new financial reporters. Drug was widely considered their "infringement", before adding more, and after Wang Laoji's herbal tea is still awash with red tank on the market. According to the people familiar with the matter said: "add new listing after Red cans of herbal tea from May 28, is a comprehensive listing, but not deliberately pursue, because, now, ' Wang Lao JI 'Nor is there any question of law. "Tangled in both fights," Wang Lao JI "and" red tanks "are not the body back," in fact, no matter how to fight, or market share, most care about the two interests. After all, is also of interest. "Qu Jingman said. In his view, red tank battle is about season of sales between the two sides on major matters, estimated before the end of the season to solutionsAgreed, ruling could also compare the process of twists and turns. Similarly, Chinese Academy of social sciences in economics Ma Guangyuan said when interviewed by the media: both parties compete for future herbal tea is the nature of the market share of the market, and public jiaduobao and now the recognition and distinction of Wang Lao JI itself. So, this summer for jiaduobao, for Guangzhou pharmaceutical, is bound to be very critical of。 However, the difference is, there are many people in the industry and Ma Guangyuan regarded the "Wang Lao JI" marks, "The outcome is a foregone conclusion." Jiaduobao or even "know very well", not on one side and Guangzhou pharmaceutical litigation, hard of Wang Lao JI. At present all these, just wanted to tell the outside world: jiaduobao is the old Wang Laoji now. "Jiaduobao also want to facilitateWith the current media attention, to emphasize the origin of jiaduobao and Guangzhou pharmaceutical, enabling brand purpose of smooth transition. "Executive to appeal to the new financial reporter. Accompanied by Wang Laoji of Guangzhou pharmaceutical new product Red tank listed, also was pushed to the forefront of contract also has a drink problem. Wang Lao JI soon new products release Conference, jiaduobao published the "solemn declaration",Tena jida and Guangzhou pharmaceutical contract manufacturing health company in the enterprise, Star Inn (Foshan) beverage company has produced the cottage "Tena family" herbal tea drink, for violation of the unfair competition act, by industry and Commerce Department investigated and dealt with only in early April. "Industry products of Guangzhou pharmaceutical delegate such enterprises click here, is a disregard of consumer interests and of provocation, is ' Wang Lao JI ' brand of shame. ”Such accusations is low-key and Guangzhou pharmaceutical "Tatu". "Jiaduobao the use of the media, have enlarged some of the news. Guangzhou pharmaceutical does not speak out, but don't want to quarrel, marketing is the key. Holds many lessons, and how precious is none other than through constantly fighting with Guangzhou pharmaceutical to illustrate the relationship between himself and Guangzhou pharmaceutical, and Wang Laoji. If you to me toAnd fighting continued, plot jiaduobao do not achieved? "People familiar with the new Guangzhou pharmaceutical financial reporter. In this regard, investment consultants of the food industry researcher Jian Aihua believes that jiaduobao wide medicine King Lao JI such harsh criticism of a certain degree of "smearing" component. Wang Lao JI how herbal tea quality of new red tank, related testing sector and consumer has the final say, how,All need follow up market, now under the wupingwuju judgment unfair. Even more serious is that in addition to Guangzhou pharmaceutical preparation product launching event, jiaduobao complained to the Secretary for trade and industry rumors abroad of its infringement. Guangzhou pharmaceutical Conference day, activities is not affected, but Beijing's industry and Commerce departments arrived at the launch event. "On conclusion of the event, we work with industry and Commerce departmentsPeople do have good communication, misunderstanding the disarmament, we think that such a thing should not happen. According to law should be in accordance with rules work. "That afternoon on media communication, Guangzhou pharmaceutical executives had said publicly. "From now on, both sides, alternative means at the level of competition in the market will break out. Whether it's beer, soft drink, secretly play games are more common. "Qu JingmanNew financial reporters. Even "play games" is considered common, but jiaduobao it would still be many people in the industry think "have lost all style". Marketing expert Li Lin Chun also said: "jiaduobao to annual sales of over $ 18 billion, and in the case of a foreign-backed companies, such an approach does not air, is not necessary. "He also stressed, In the beverage industry, OEM production or outsourcing is not much to see. Contract is not "common". The reason for this is, as many brands of franchise, its management and product quality are more difficult to be effectively controlled, there is a risk. In addition, in the Original Equipment Manufacture enterprises, there is no strong brand. Even media by yinlu groupWang Lao JI herbal tea, is not good. "Drink this arc products quickly is important to achieve flow and working capital. Silver Heron at the southeast corner of China, Wang Lao JI herbal tea to realization of Guangzhou pharmaceutical distribution throughout the country, it must bear the high costs of transport and logistics, and will lead to reductions in gross margins and long delivery period. "Li Lin Chun to new financial reporterSaid. Earlier media reports said, and treasure with its suppliers and processing enterprises have signed a series of exclusive agreements, which if true, then the road of Guangzhou pharmaceutical contract manufacturing will be more difficult. A month ago, beginning of the arbitration case was settled, jiaduobao and Guangzhou pharmaceutical are also said to the media "does not rule out cooperation" can now battle situation has greatlyIrreversible trend, cooperation that has already been cracked. "Jiaduobao has been put. From the Wang Lao JI and competitive means that currently, it no longer is prone to, wanted to break the yoke of their own development. Guangzhou pharmaceutical has open bow arrows without looking back. "Fast appeal energy dissipation analysis of industry executives said. Unfortunately is, presence in battle, both sides stressed that "to maintain familyThe brand ", to allow" Wang Lao JI "brand to the world, the truth is that" moves on both sides were hurt, ' Wang Lao JI ' brand acceleration ' Wang Lao JI ' brand of recession. "Li Lin Chun stressed. Li Lin Chun asserted: "what must be the focus of contention. "May-September each year, for the beverage industry, and is the Golden season. Jiaduobao and Guangzhou pharmaceuticalNew products are listed in this season, must also take into account the factor of the season, can be channel-dealer sales needs--which, both parties are well aware. In their respective Conference, dealers of both teams have also shown decent power. Jiaduobao, 5 major marketing companies in charge of leading distributors of their respective regions represented at the Conference,And the Terminal market charge mosaic into a map of Grand China – its broad, was palpable. Guangzhou pharmaceutical, although just pull up team, but also formed a very powerful team of bearers, and solemn at the foot of the great wall. However, behind all surface in this prosperity, is the gradual proliferation of wait-and-see mood. New financial reporter was informed that, Canton drug dealer team, hasn't faded and much treasure dealer identity of the representative. In other words, it now has a double identity. Although unable to determine number of such total accounted for Guangzhou pharmaceutical distributors, but "it just means a wait-and-see mood of dealers. "Li Lin-Chun said. In his view, the dealer choose not have seriously affected--jiaduobao distributionExcess is currently the class, not for lack of resources. However, the wait-and-see mood will cause the dealer to purchase has become negative, product flow speed may slow down. The mood in Guangzhou pharmaceutical will reflect more fully, after all, is not completed soon. Therefore, "jiaduobao a dozen years of accumulated channels will not be much impact. "Li LinSpring and judgment. Line up again to the dealer, Jian Aihua believes that this change for jiaduobao, is pretty bad--because the dealer has not yet completely out of one's own team, some trade secrets will be "stolen". But dealers are very beneficial for Guangzhou pharmaceutical, Guangzhou pharmaceutical to learn more jiaduobao best selling model, and get useful businessConfidential. "The next few months, at the channel level, fights can be very intense. "Top state executives on new financial reporter. According to his introduction, typically, channel fights through rent row of shelve or refrigerator, the first supermarket displays, special offers, and additional gifts, has also achieved promotion girl promotion and so on. "The visibility of the product will be a major factor,, Advertising at this stage will be compared. Of course, in addition to shangchao, the restaurant is also very important. "By contrast, jiaduobao in the channel's advantages are obvious. "Jiaduobao the layout had been completed throughout the country, in Beijing, Wuhan, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Sichuan, there are branches, its production and circulation is a benign,Fast turnaround process, shipping charges will not be too high. In addition, pricing is also very important, jiaduobao is successful, its pricing policy was a great success. If the price is well managed, cuanhuo phenomenon occurs, and the channels will eventually be affected. "Li Lin Chun stressed. If channel is the Guangzhou pharmaceutical will face in the next test, wide liquidity seems to have tested drug.Dealer has admitted to new financial reporters, haven't seen wide medicine King old Kat products and packaging in case he to Guangzhou pharmaceutical has three times the purchase price. Although, ahead is "normal", but drug-Canton's capital chain will inevitably raise questions. Ahead of Act, CIC's researchers to new financial reporters, dealer this practice is not very sensible, while Guangzhou pharmaceutical winHas priceless of "King old Kat" trademark, but its products is are consumer vigorously sought after also unknown, this on wide drug "King old Kat" market prospects too too optimistic of practices, exists must risk, or will brings goods insufficient or products unsalable and led to of toilet paper, cargo of risk; on wide drug,, will may faced products by welcomes degree up does not to expected and faced of dealer returnsRisk. Risks and opportunities are often coexist, and medicine going to test there are a lot of. Li Lin Chun said, only the national operating fee, bar code, as well as head of the supermarket's display is no small expense. Advertising investment of the advent season was more of a pen input, which can stand the test of money chain is subject to market test. More provoking than the formerMentioned in the text--Guangzhou pharmaceutical and yinlu "joint". Analysts believe that the message can be placed, that cooperation had reached. However, last year, the silver Heron acquired by Nestlé, Nestlé and foreign drinks Giants Coca-Cola company was once the strategic partner, stop strategic cooperation is not long. This cannot but make people think out of the conspiracy theory-of-Chinese beverage maker or may be involved in the dispute between Wang Laoji of red and green. Regardless of whether the truth, can be predicted is Wang Lao JI brands are increasing the possibility of a recession. If they fight, "Wang Lao JI" brand of irreversibility, herbal tea in China market will hit a recession, then who's happiest? [Scroll] appear to be 10 1.515th shares registration (06-10) [scroll] observation of monthly foreign trade data continues to be a high rebound (06-10) [scroll] steel: Ministry of science and technology from the six areas for SME development (06-10) [scroll] National Pork prices 2011Year low since mid-May (06-10) [scroll] banks according to high interest rates put storage experts will help to promote market-oriented interest rate (06-10) [scroll] Minister of transportation: will speed up low-carbon transportation system (06-10) [scroll] "investing" Rogers:China stocks may find China's son-in-law (06-10) [scroll] May link alignment of market turnover rose (06-10) [scroll] Ning Luo high speed chain mengcheng 11 deaths and 59 injuries caused by traffic accidents (06-10) [scroll] energy subsidies introduced consumer boomLook at demand pull 450 billion (06-10) [scroll] LI: China's financial reform is a prerequisite for the internationalisation (06-10) [scroll] Inner Mongolia was born the world's first genetically modified low-lactose milk production in dairy cows (06-10) [scroll] "Yuan Tai Tau" marketPrices have fallen more 30% the fake silver coins (06-10) [scroll] foreign trade data show that China's economy gradually lower stabilisation (06-10) [scroll] Zibo Jin Zhentang companies suspected of illegally absorbing deposits in public were placed on file for investigation (06-10) [rolling]1-5 months of iron310 million tons of ore per cent increase of 9% (06-10) [scroll] Changchun: medium-large buyers favor (06-10) [scroll] in January-May increase power generation to 1.91 trillion kWh per cent 4.7% (06-10) [scroll] May crude oil processing volume 38.33 million tons down 0.7% (06-10) [scroll] Toyota aiming at modern "nest" expert praised its strategy properly (06-10) [scroll] Spain "beg" euro group ready to bail out 100 billion euros (06-10) [scroll] next weekCSI limited stock low release is worth about $ 12.1 billion for the year (06-10) [scroll] Ministry: support of the industrial transformation and upgrading of Qinghai province as soon as possible (06-10) [scroll] May, China's foreign trade imports and exports hit a monthly high (06-10) [scroll] two cities next week liftedMarket value of 12.1 billion to low levels during the year (06-10) [scroll] 14 introduced policies encouraging expansion of Ningbo international markets (06-10) [scroll] national debit and whirlpool area top zouping County total size of 100 billion (06-10) [scroll] Xu Xiao-Nian: noneOn the policy how the economic downturn will not reverse in the second half (06-10) [scroll] adjacent to cargo companies to suspend the liquidation industry development of refraction (06-10) [scroll] yinlu contract wide medicine King old Kat struggle between red and green shadows looming behind Nestlé (06-10) [scroll]Coal accumulation of serious industrial electricity demand in Qinhuangdao port (06-10) [scroll] wuliangye establishment of marketing reform group to clean up the OEM brand (06-10) [scroll] luolai does not list the number of home textile stores shop management efficiency in doubt (06-10) [scroll] Palace of Qing dynastyShops selling goods should not be sold within few others produce (06-10) [scroll] Shandong "Asia's largest coin Museum" was closed down for illegal financing (06-10) [scroll] on May import and export of steel double recovering iron ore imports 60 million tons (06-10) [Scroll] social security spending huge sums into the stock market led faucet unit investment opportunity (06-10) [scroll] United States and enterprises anti-dumping investigation against Chinese xanthan gum products applications (06-10) [scroll] Police Department confirmed that the sleeper buses will gradually be withdrawn from the market (unit) (06-10) [scroll]Country garden accelerated push 2 billion intervention intends to slightly increase the price of domestic penetration markets (06-10) [1.4%]PPI prices drop 2.5-year low | Fresh vegetables rose 31.2%| Egg drop 9.8%| Foods rose 6.4%[data] in May before consumption per cent increase 14.5%| Fixed investments increased20.1%| Basic real estate development increased around the 18.5% hearing final plan has yet to see the conclusion below | Stepped implementation of electricity price still have multiple questions to be solved NetEase finance week featured picture [financial] Canada Quebec Government to sue tobacco companies claim US $ 58 billion [financial] Japan Prime Minister decided to reopen nuclear power stationPeople worry about leaking nightmare reappearance [financial] deep in the Qinling Mountains are a large number of villas real estate developers in the name of tourism development projects [financial] coal enterprises in Shanxi province buyout Highway 1/9[was not being questioned officials say financial] development and Reform Commission: 4 x 6 chicken egg price is still guaranteed edge [financial] encourages private investment in Chongqing Nanfang group will invest $ 1 billion building[Financial] sleeper buses will be withdrawn from the market after 5 years 30,000 vehicles involved 5,000 lines [financial] euro group announced to Spain providing 100 billion euro loan [financial] national grid primary separation and closeout corner workers no longer qualify for dividends [financial] Chongqing authorities a high profile "private" to reverse the perception of the outside world special backgrounds picturesDocumentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System

and hopes to continue to expand this cooperation. Chen Xiaoya said

129823520616250000_185 <a href=""></a>O renew agreement to strengthen scientific and technological cooperation in the field of Australia Academy of technological Sciences and engineering batehanmu 23rd in Melbourne met with visiting Vice Minister of Ministry of science and technology of China Chen Xiaoya official site, renewed a memorandum of understanding aimed at strengthening cooperation between the two sides. Batehanmu said at the signing ceremony that China is Australia's third-largest technology partners. During the World Expo in Shanghai, Australia held a series of scientific and technological cooperation activities. O ItalianAsian College of science and engineering of treasure and the Ministry of science and technology cooperation, and hopes to continue to expand this cooperation. Chen Xiaoya said: this year is between China and Australia established diplomatic relations 40 years, is the 30 anniversary of the memorandum signed by both sides. After 30 years of exchanges and understanding, has built a strong friendship between Australia, through a renewed Memorandum of cooperation between the two sides to further strengthen cooperation in science and technology fields��

Thursday, June 28, 2012

today boosted interest rate cuts while the spot market limited

129836519654687500_392Interest rate cuts following the weakening screw pressure drop Yesterday, the Central Bank announced that 0.25% began cutting interest rates today, is the first rate cut in three years. But this traditionA rate cut more limited impact on the market, at the same time the interest rate cuts generally interpreted as rescue signals after a slowdown in the market, will not be optimistic economic data will be published in May. In the context of a slowing economic environment, commodity market trends would be under pressure. At the same time, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke didn't say last night the signal further easing monetary policy,Also making investors more disappointed, all General commodities have fallen outside yesterday, had a crackdown on domestic market today. Today, China Shanghai, Shanghai gold silver hit, fell Super 3%; sugar, PTA, rubber record lows for the year, PTA closed nearly fell. But Lo trend today is fair, at one point in early trading charge red in the afternoon as the market as a whole fall backFall. End, closed at $ 4,108, down 0.15%. Technology on the face of it, currently Lo 1210 preliminary firm 20th line, today touches down after the 30th line, closed at Star of the Red Cross. For now, MACD,KDJ indicators are still on the up, displays the trend is still more robust. At the same time, today boosted interest rate cuts while the spot market limited,But the stock market is stabilising, generally robust case in the mainstream market, fell by Beijing market has stabilised in recent days. Next week, although the movement of the screw itself is good, but the macro is hidden in the beholder. Domestic, of May economic data may be more ugly. Abroad, Spain, Greece two bomb may also be renewed. And now the rest of the productKind of depressed direction, if the next outbreak of a series of negative factors set, spiral movements may not be too optimistic in the future.

// NetEase tech news on June 10

129838007757187500_2Apple Developers Conference, eight points: pushing a variety of Mac products Picture of science and Technology Center (/23) forwarded to Twitter NetEase tech news on June 10, according to foreign media reports, AppleWWDC will begin next Monday. When Apple is expected to release a new set of software and hardware products, which will have their surprise element. Ivy Bridge series developed because of the chip manufacturer Intel processor went public in late April this year, only recently entered the stage of mass production. Taking into account the production level has been able to meet the demand for Apple products, AppleFruit or at the worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) launched on board the processor upgrade products. So if user considering buying Apple Mac products in the near future, you can appropriate to postpone for a few days. According to industry insiders speculated that Apple or will be launched on the WWDC the following products: 1. IOS and OS x Apple has said that plan and developers discuss OS x and iOSSystem development. It is reported that Apple has released OS x as early as February this year Mountain Lion the Developer Preview Edition. This also means that iOS Developer Beta or Developer Preview Edition of 6 or later will be published. Although OS x on a Mountain Lion in the WWDC will certainly surprise,But Apple has announced on its website the main functions of the new version of Mountain Lion. IOS 6, there are still some mysteries. It is reported that before Apple says iOS only 6 maps will give up using Google maps technology. It is reported that Apple is actively preparing to launch independent map technology, including for the developers of the new API (application programming interfaces), upgraded Google Maps application compatible with iOS version similar to the maps application and OS x applications. On Wednesday announced the launch of Android version of Google Maps offline applications and upgrade in Google Earth 3D terrain display technology. Google wants to ensure that applications using Google MapsApple iPhone and iPad users not to use Apple's own development map applications. It is understood that users will still be able to continue in the Google app store, download and install the iOS version of Google Maps. 2. Mac Pro are high-end desktop workstations are not being Apple and its competitors as a development focus. Portable and mobile setHas been prepared by award-winning many consumers and enterprise customers. Professional graphics and content creation markets remain the focus of major manufacturers competing for. Because over the years designers and content developers are the most loyal users of Apple, but Apple also attaches great importance to the user loyalty. Accordingly, or will pick up on the new Mac Pro Intel Xeon E50 willCity. 3. Apple MacBook Pro in October last year to upgrade its MacBook Pro, allegedly the product will take high resolution Retina Display screen. This display is iPhone 4 and earlier this year launched the third generation iPad. RetinGraphic of a Display screen with a very vivid expression, its effect far beyond Apple's competitors of similar products. In addition, the new MacBook Pro except may be equipped with Thunderbolt interface, also is expected to be equipped with USB port 3. 4. iMac iMac sale-one stems from Apple in 2009Design of October, so Apple will upgrade the iMac. Other than will carry the latest processor, two new major upgrade for iMac models are expected to also uses a Retina Display screen. 5. MacBook Air Apple Retina Display screen and new processors will also be introduced newUltra thin MacBook Air notebook products, including two 11-inch and 13-inch type. As one of the most popular consumer products, MacBook Air has a super quick launch feature of portability and rely on Flash. 6. AirPort Express/AirPort ExtremeHas appeared on the market a new generation 802.11ac wireless router before, taking into account domestic Wi-Fi wireless network speed increase will help the Apple iTunes download flow media, Apple to upgrade its wireless gateway base station product. After disclosure of the Apple product price list display, a price for the product is likely to be of a $ 119 AiRPort Express or AirPort Extreme Base Station products wireless gateway one. 7. Siri Siri Apple speech aid system currently only configured in iPhone 4S. Apple has spent developing a product, Siri is not just a giving only a differentiated competitive advantage, there is bound to beMore Apple products with Siri system. Now Apple has foreseen strategic value of voice input, sooner or later, will extend the Siri application system product range. Best time for WWDC will launch Siri Apple API interface, enabling developers to Siri into their respective development of iOS and OS x applications. 8. APple TV application according to the sources, Apple's new version of Apple TV will be introduced this year. Google has on its Google TV application for the hype, but the effect is not very ideal. In contrast, Apple has a more mature application of ecological systems, and will draw on lessons learned from Google in early. For Apple, Apple TV is expected to be the iTunes extension. As in the TV market opportunities for success, to challenge Google, Apple will never miss out on Apple TV. (Ning) [scroll] rebate sites suspected pyramid scheme no regulatory experts call for legislation as soon as possible (06-10) [scroll] Weekend news review: Apple push many Mac developers Conference (06-10) [scroll] Internet guy "plane collision": bullish on mobile Web applications (06-10) [scroll] electric pandas 35 billion in betting on China's first "ten-line" question (06-10)[Scroll] Hai bin LCD panels can reduce costs in cooperation with sharp (06-10) [scroll of]EMC data path: $ 2.5 billion years research and development funds (06-10) [scroll] sky network: network of two or three lines of urban real estate gold rush (06-10) [scroll] The Samsung booth was high winds hit the collapse injured 7 part-time students (06-10) [scroll] Nielsen: iPhone share global Smartphone one-third (06-10) [scroll] Microsoft is developing a new patent: removable smart display (06-10) [scroll]Lee set off a war of words with the non-you be the navel is network attacks (06-10) [scroll] Apple Developers Conference, eight points: pushing a variety of Mac products (06-10) [scroll] the non-you be the Boss about Kai-Fu Lee, program group control (06-10:07) [scroll] 0.5% home appliance sales rose only in May this year the country (06-10) [scroll] or acquired Investment Bank said Nokia and Microsoft are potential buyers of Samsung (06-10) [rolling]Android Oracle once again lost the battle: were sentenced to pay Google's attorneys ' fees (06-10) [scroll] 85% hard drive Seagate and Western Digital monopoly market or have reached a price of Union (06-10) [scroll] Apple will launch at the WWDC Conference television software development tools (06-10) [scroll] reported 2015 film movie on a global scaleProduction (06-10) [scroll] Intel plan to add facial recognition capability in virtual TV service (06-10) [scroll] Google will close the Meebo service next month and the integration of Google (06-10) [scroll] United States must combat child pornographyNetwork: 190 persons arrested 18 persons have been rescued (06-10) [scroll] Lenovo plans overseas expansion server (06-10) [scroll] stores under the luxury electric Avenue v setting out (06-10) [rolling]Facebook "spells": network Qin ZengThe plans fell through (06-10) [scroll] sharp head of China: complementary cooperation with Hon Hai (06-10) [scroll] China car rental aggressive expansion: 95% ratio has been questioned (06-10) [scroll] move the base index The Great Change: user complaints takeGeneration of income (06-10) [rolling]IBM head of software businesses: learn to cooperate with competitors (06-10) [scroll] Wangfujing department store, with revenue growth goals for the second time 70% (06-10) [scroll] commercial bank optimistic about Zhongguancun science and technology startups and enterprisesFinancial services markets (06-10) [scroll] economic observer: bad comments on clean praise meaningless (06-10) [scroll] three factors forced Jingdong IPO d round of financing difficulty caused by low gross margin (06-10) [scroll] health product B2C experience pain of the channel(06-09) [Scroll] online enterprise to sea "gold rush" in mind (06-09) [scroll] "e-commerce" new variants into a pyramid scheme (06-09) [scroll] China business: bloody expansion (06-09) [scroll] potatoes, youku and researchMicro-film and commercial potential (06-09) [scroll] Jingdong how far is it from Amazon (06-09) [scroll] China business: Beijing East pass through the capital "conspiracy" (06-09) mobile video revenue last year exceeded 1 billion | To quantify the purpose of performance-related pay system| Review of weak growth in core business: loss of revenue and profit growth to slow high end users clearly | Data services into a centralized review of corruption: Apple introduced Apple TV software development tool | Display operating systems Apple is about to release iOS 6 news the TV Samsung is interested in buying Nokia Microsoft potentialBuyers news iOS 6 confirmation appears at WWDC 2012 (map) News Apple will push at the developers Conference highlights Google's TV software development tools will close the Meebo service next month and Google integration highlights the non-you be the guest of bad words about Kai-Fu Lee shows us group out of the Internet mustCombating child pornography network: 190 were arrested 18 people rescued in Internet consumer rebate site Fujian CEO Victor Koo surrendered the Internet response to the collapse of network advertising have long questioned: compared to foreign countries has been very gentle communications Nielsen: iPhone share global Smartphone one-third communications diablo 3 power leveling, Microsoft is developing a new patent: removable smart driveAs shown in screen communications or acquired Investment Bank said Nokia Samsung, Microsoft IT head of IBM software business in the industry are potential buyers: learn to cooperate with competitors IT Android Oracle once again lost the battle in the industry: sentenced to pay Google's attorneys ' fees IT industry association plans overseas expansion depth of server market with attitude | Victor Koo: Excellent cool advertising than slim the appearance of foreign short Apple patent revealing the secrets of computer city renovation market Office to Microsoft online