Friday, December 25, 2009

too good to be aion power leveling

A reader "Wuhan Q & A Room" Said that he had recently several days to listen to Karl Bohme in 1971 directing Mozart's "Requiem" (Requiem, K626), that too good to be aion power leveling, and asked what my favorite is the version of them. I have not heard of Karl Bohme, and on hand either Sir Georg Solti in 1991 in Vienna in command of the song of the LD, album also.

Mock’s "Requiem" is the highest grade I've ever heard the music. No one to reach that level before, followed by none. In the future there will be no bar. There cannot be. Human society has changed so much, what of war, terror, inhuman news or news every RuneScape power leveling, although not surprising, since the defeat of its strange, but God has known growing up in such a society, do not hair nerve had been considered a miracle , adding that the essence of what the art of feeling it? Am a bit sorry for those in the freedom of speech in Hong Kong magazine was a friend. They have to report every day human tragedy in order to gain total market to render what, sleeping pills would it not have been pushed up from the price of peace? The truth, I often have to escape the world to find themselves, and could feel was a pretty emotional, spiritual person. Is also the truth, today's trendy art, trendy music, I do not know, too lazy to understand, may avoid the avoid, to stay away Jib Yi. Today's world, Su Fu-sheen not write "Ode of Chili," not his painting Monet Fu-sheen Lin Tong, Beethoven's rebirth as not his Violin Concerto in D major, and Mozart's rebirth is also no record of his "Requiem" by. These are the human tragedy. Genius Mozart's music works, "late" year entered another level, the 35-year-old Xian, the world can be a different sound a cry or Down? Think of the "Requiem", a great feeling. Is so great works, unprecedented, but have to write half-way died. Forensic experts, it is Lachrymose Music Festival which was his handwriting, after the death of a friend by the End of the song. Continued very well, probably because the structure of the whole song with a friend Mo's Health and detailed, while fragments of melody that he had been raised. I have not heard better music, in particular, Commutates two sections with the Lachrymose, a continuous total of six minutes. Mo's music, the melody is always beautiful, but "Requiem" to spend Symphony Orchestra, two choirs of men and women, men and women four tones solo - everything - in this complex combination, the authors write of the ever-changing, exciting alternation with the hidden bitterness exaggerated very natural, almost every time I hear the tears - more than just exciting zap? Music written at the end like this, stop this, cannot imagine how we can re-enter. Deplores the author cannot finish the whole song of the Xian.

I have the great works of their predecessors extra vigilant and not put it down, like to spend a long time to carefully understand. Smith's "Wealth of Nations", Monet's Linsang, Beethoven from the third to ninth symphony, Xing Fiji and Li Qinghai Handgun Jug, and so on, while Mozart was elected to his ninth to the 27 piano concertos, more attention is his "Requiem" by. Not because of works wonderful, but there is a great work atmosphere. Easy to get wonderful, the atmosphere is also hard to find. "Atmospheric" What material is not easy to world of warcraft power leveling. Certainly a good thing, of course, wonderful, of course, there is no vulgar, of course, creative, but be regarded as the atmosphere of its appeal came in huge volumes, is a phenomenon.

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