Monday, December 28, 2009

my own bar in 2035

It is not nonsense. In my generation to go with aion power leveling, the economics line of people, maybe I am the youngest. Was still alive, mentoring, today is the old man, many of which intelligence has long been degraded, outsiders may not feel it, we all know the circle. It could not turn to my own bar in 2035. Engage in economic academic, not to my mind clear so simple. Is needed is that "everyone is drunk and I alone am sober" and a little bit skill. People do not see the problem, you see the launch of the new ideas a little weight, logic, orderly, and, strictly speaking, the economic contribution of academic Geode the minimum requirement. Other academic, I bugger, but the contribution of economics did not create I do not pursue. Their own interests many here did not create a further contribution, there are other good place. They will know the downhill of the time do? Have innovative ideas come clear that he know how to measure. Not every article has anything new: many have said before, when they repeat. However, there is always a three to propose a few new ideas not previously thought of, but the frequency of these new ideas, and today no sign of failure.

One's own objective judgments are important. Re-reading his article written a few decades ago, thinking sharp than it is world of warcraft power leveling, changing and flexible than it is today, but the importance of judgments and comprehensive view of today's victory. That heavier is hard to say which side up. Economic policy proposals today undoubtedly are more prudent. Not difficult to explain the policy cannot rely solely on theory, talk about the experience. Sue trivial pieces of old knowledge to know what to be avoided here, where an extra half step, add up to become a stable. It is Just like I am opposed to the position of the RMB appreciation, theory beyond the experience of a few of the endless support. Twelve years ago, I also believe that Friedman said, a big country there is no anchorage to let the exchange rate float freely. Ten years ago, I think he may be wrong; five years ago, I am sure he is wrong. The only real solution to a Bright Wizard's deadly power is his death, and even this may not save you if he has had time to do his work. His magic lingers and burns, so you must be prepared to withstand not only his powerful direct assault, but the aftereffects of your battle. Resistance to his spells is key in limiting his ability to destroy you outright, but offensive power is equally important for putting him to a quick end. Ultimately, against a Bright Wizard it will be a race to see who can kill who first. However, it is a race for which he is well equipped, and his tools make him more and more potent the longer that race goes on.

Ago Chuangzuo is to make some of the things you can touch, does not have to return the money, but to give authors and runescape power leveling. Economists think they have contributed, and old age likes Aqua collected and publishing their own articles. With the economics Nobel is said that after the clustering of people are more, but "autumn soldiers on the battlefield," the habit of, well before the Nobel will have a. My own rather special, is interested in more, there are several kind of have the opportunity to come to an end. Is not the end of an accomplished human beings, but they can do at the end. On the other hand, personal taste and style distinctive, narrow look, their own end is the end of humanity. Many people are able to do so, but few try.

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