Saturday, May 19, 2012

gold prices of key economic and financial data bank Beijing Branch TERA CD-key gold prices of key

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As the worse-than-expected non-farm data on market effects of bad light, markets may continue to put the focus on Europe, France Socialist Party leader Francois hollande hammerDefeated Sarkozy has become the new President of France Council settled. Although opposed to the EU Convention and Francois hollande was elected once again to light of fiscal austerity and European debt concerns, but Francois hollande was elected earlier in the market had expected, and the round policy runs counter to the EU fully lower the possibility of, so the events expected to be unsustainable. In France's presidential election victory of Francois hollande (FrAncois Hollande) said on May 7 that it will work to reduce the degree of fiscal austerity, promote the further growth of the eurozone economy. Hollande said the euro-zone countries are looking forward to France to act, fiscal austerity is not inevitable, now France's task is to put economic growth rate target public in the euro area. Francois hollande is not currently on fiscal policyPublished reviews, but its realization has planned for 2017 France budget balance, this goal a year later than its predecessor, Sarkozy's plan to. Hollande won exacerbated the market to the new session of France Government fears may slow the pace of tightening. Now more closely to Greece elections. On Sunday (May 6) voting results showed that Greece supported the package of twoMain political parties failed to win parliamentary majority to form coalition Government required; according to the May 7 evening news, Greece against the Rescue Agreement of left-wing Union Leader Alex-qipulasi (Alexis Tsipras) ruled out the possibility of the conservative and new democratic party coalition, said he would seek with other left-wing parties to form a Government. While Greece budget deficitDepartment officials said that if the country's various political parties were unable to form a coalition Government to accept the next round of bailout funds with the European Union and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) consultations and falling revenues, Greece will occur before the end of June to financial constraints. In the short term, if Greece cannot make up the coalition Government in a timely manner, debt worries and the introduction of the euro zone is expected to heat up again, this is notTo risk currencies such as the euro faces more bad factors. From France and Greece elections after the unpopular austerity measures TERA CD-key, which also suggests that austerity measures are likely to face abortion. In addition, Germany and Italy will hold local elections, these elections are equal to the people on the European authorities to fiscal austerity measures to defuse the vote of the European debt crisis, and theNow, because of general dissatisfaction with the current economic condition of the people, countries support the austerity policies of the ruling party, are under threat of defeat. May 8 focus on France were closed for Victoria Day market today. Asian concerns in Australia March trading account, European concerns in Switzerland's second quarterly consumer confidence index TERA Gold, Germany March industrial output, New York focus Canada 4Monthly housing starts. Weekend France and Greece the election results once the market mood into a panic, but as the mood gradually ease, Haven US dollar continued to drop, the Australian dollar and the euro has rebounded by more than 100 points, gold prices have rebounded slightly. It is worth mentioning that, investors focused on this day of Germany in March industrial output data, to determine whether the eurozone countries current economic conditions. EuropeChau, Governor of the Central Bank in Frankfurt Delacquis in Beijing 20:30 speech and United States Richmond fed Lake 21:45 speech. United States early this week after the non-agriculture, lack of key market data and news, global amended by May 7, usher in a rebound after the market fell sharply last week. Rally driving risk currencies such as the euro in Europe and AmericaIn Asia rebound in its recent lows in early trading, but European short-term shocks to political clashes in non-US currencies are still facing downside risk. 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Election results to stimulate European debt worries in Europe gold concern 1630 supporting Gold Delta shock eye convergence of political change in Europe gold price short-term risk aversion is still prevail Bowen articles classification information jobs Forum articles | about us | | partners | legal | call for advertising service notices | Sitemap this site allArticles, data is only for reference, be sure to read the legal notices carefully before using, at your own risk of the People's Republic of China value-added telecommunications business license number: min-B2-20050010, of the electronic public notice service license number: Fujian communications Internet [2008]1, the license number of the network culture: Fujian network [20Stock information provided, 11]0070-005: day investment consultants, Ltd, Fujian [certificate: ZX0151], broadcast TV, online TV license 1,310,422th license: (min) No. 091 CopyrightGold online network co. Diablo 3 power leveling, Ltd. All Right Reserved. 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