Wednesday, February 29, 2012

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129742939271718750_178[Contribution]300 industry sector sub-index weights (%) per cent (%) contributions of 300 financial 36.980.252.35300 optional energy 611.223 material industry 15.850.100.40300 Telecom 1.750.240.11300 7.71-0.22-0.43300 medical 4.09-0.71-0.74 1.740.060.03300 public 2.38-0.35-0.21300 consumption of information summary: seven ten plates of CSI 300 index rose three falls, financial, materials and optional platesContribution before the index row.  Where financial stocks rose 0.25%, contribution index 2.35. Outer disc: Asia-Pacific Index closed down bars 21424.79-66.83-0.31% index 2363.28 6.1 per cent and the Hang Seng index Nikkei 225 9,4859 100.92 Taiwan stock weighted 7954.82 60.46 South Korea comprehensive 2024.9 1.43 message: 1. Central Bank announced Saturday, February 24, reserve requirements by 0.5%, release of 400 billion. This move is intended to ease the liquidity andSupport, indicates that the policy focus has shifted from fighting inflation to support economic growth. 2. the Vice Premier of the State Council, Li stressed that the implementation of structural tax cut, implementing the proactive fiscal policy warhammer online gold, 3. January house prices fell for the fourth month in a row, as the Central Government recently reaffirmed determination to increase regulation of real estate, house prices in the future is expected to be further adjusted;4. Hu said Sino-US economic and trade forum, continued to maintain a steady and fast development, 2012 tsw gold, China's economy will not be a hard landing; 5. Official reply of the State Council agreed that the great development of the Western region "Twelve-Five" 6 of the planning. Only 2 new listings this week tera gold, while a shares lifted increase, could fetch about $ 30.6 billion, only Shandong gold today as much as 234Here, all lifted market 76%, lifted after pressure reducing; 7. Euro Group decide this evening whether to approve Greece � 130 billion bail out bailout plan, 8. January United States economic leading indicators rose for the fourth consecutive month, us January CPI rose 0.2%, lower-than-expected 0.3%, prop up the market. Were closed Monday because of Washington's birthday New York。 Market analysis of today's CSI 300 index and refers to four contracts were opened. As of closing, CSI 300 index rose 0.15%, trading volume on the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index throughout the day were sold for $ 56.46 billion, compared with the previous trading day to merchant. Main contract IF1203 up 0.1%, phase means the total transactions throughout the day on a volume of 307004-hand, than the previous session's decline, positions significantly increased, more intense game levels abruptly rise. Index, CSI 300 index 2571.91 sharply higher in early trading after opening, gradually fell back to fill Gap gap, rushed up to 2574.75 during the period, falling to the lowest point 2539.9, CSI 300 eventually closed at 2549.9At 8 o'clock, rose 3.89 or 0.15%. The futures market, the major contracts IF1203 contracts-MarketWatch, swings down and eventually closed at 2552.4 points, up 2.6 or 0.1%. Side is announced today by the Central Bank on Saturday cut deposit reserve rate and turn inside and outside a major boon to boost the European debt crisis, stock indexes sharply higher in early trading after opening, earthquakeSwing down gradually to cover Gap gap. Technical, stock indexes closed out a Yin line today, MACD red columns shrink, but the average system is arranged in long. Overall though today strongly in both inside and outside a major positive news to boost stock college entrance examination is not significantly raised the market long on passion, show this reduction reaction of the market to more cautious, however, makes short term reduction flowFutures positions is improved with today's sharp increase, or facing directional selection in the near future. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.