Saturday, January 2, 2010

saying that the warm memories of bar

Said the little long at the turn of that grace to teach, saying that the warm memories of bar. I got married, put on by his old Columbia University doctoral robes presided over the wedding. His wife, Rose, I represent the sick mother. Unique wedding world, history has not been seen again. Invitation designed by Zhang Tao. The downright genius in holding a Mozart opera "The Marriage of Figaro," Even the ads, follow suit, male and female have changed their names, while the director becomes Friedman. Armin Lachlan, after receiving an invitation, give me phone, rhetoric, that the whole Department of Economics, University of aion power leveling, Los Angeles, only he was a genius, Xian talked wedding invitations that advertising is.

Wedding in the design and construction of the garden I personally held. Elder Road, you say? He said: "Today's wedding ever. Married, one is a Buddhist, a Christian, and I was Jewish. I say you get married to get married!" Kiss my wife later, turned to me and said: "You? I do not kiss! "This is Milton Friedman, made a heartfelt. Last year I 70 birthday, Guangzhou Zhou mentioned that I taught her academic cannot say that last part aoc power leveling, the unnecessarily browbeat, making her a little scared and in Cheung She Zhu Xining said because I never tell lies, so he has a sense of fear . Is the impact of Milton Friedman, for me, hope that it will spread to China. Heartfelt words are not easy to say. The situation of necessity, the soul of the price to fall, I think of Milton Friedman, they had Xenia Hang, which pipe to kill others, and say that they believe in it. Elder clever than me, he smiling and kill you when you first said: "I'm sorry, I beg do not agree ... ..." I can no such courtesy and patience, would say: "so foolish dead!" On the 17th morning to call his wife Rose greetings, I have to dial several times, is that we connect at noon time. Rose is very calm, more than 90 years of age, memory is good, speak clearly, as if she was forty years ago, I know. Talk with her for a while Elder's contribution to China, told her that the Chinese market than the United States the free world. She was pleased, saying that China's economic miracle that she heard a lot. It is Elder Xian, the whole earth to give me a slight feeling of an earthquake. U.S. media continue to broadcast the Canadian sister telephoned to say that there would also be broadcast incessantly. Age of Conan takes all the best aspects from the various genres and melds them into an enjoyable whole. The frantic combat action of the best action titles, a deep and involving story crafted by our experienced and award winning storytellers all set within an online world full of other players to enjoy the action, trade and share experiences with!

A classmate wrote Elder me more than a dozen articles on the web go, spread, the Chinese youth's response moving, some want to study Buddhism, said the old man, some take his ideas to develop. We are not easy to imagine a greater than Friedman life. Born in 1912, he spent the day in human history, the most controversial lotro power leveling. Technology Mengzi, war many, what is nothing appeared. God has eyes, fancy a grown person who is not high, all to meet the needs of this big controversy talent gave him. He then stood up and sternly tiny step for human life and freedom to defend until death. The twentieth century, the doctrine of the struggle, not because of Milton Friedman, the existence of the sky, but because of his presence dissipated.

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